糯米 400克, 浸泡至少4小时或收入冰箱至隔夜
食油 5汤匙
蒜茸 2汤匙
红葱茸 2汤匙
鸡全腿 2个(去骨切成小块)
虾米 1/4杯,浸泡10分钟,沥干备用
香菇 4朵(浸泡至软,切半)
腊肠 1条(斜切片)
咸蛋黄 4个
干荷叶 4片
老抽 1/2汤匙
蚝油 1汤匙
黄糖 1/2茶匙
白胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
麻油 1/2汤匙
蚝油 1 1/2汤匙
老抽 1茶匙
黄糖 1茶匙
白胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
麻油 1汤匙
粟粉 1汤匙
1. 将干荷叶浸泡30分钟或至软,捞起沥干水份,以厨房纸巾抹干。将鸡肉以及香菇用腌料腌制至少1小时。
2. 在一个锅里加入3汤匙的油,以中火烧热,然后加入1汤匙的蒜茸和1汤匙的红葱茸爆香。加入虾米拌炒大约1分钟,然后加入糯米和调味料,炒至均匀即可。将炒好的糯米盛入蒸盘里,然后放入锅以大火蒸45分钟。
3. 在另一个锅里加入2汤匙的油,以中火烧热,然后加入1汤匙的蒜茸和1汤匙的红葱茸爆香。加入腌制好的鸡肉及香菇,拌炒大约2至3分钟直到半熟,盛出备用。
4. 把蒸好的糯米饭分成8份,馅料(鸡肉、香菇、腊肠和咸蛋)分成4份。把一张荷叶放入一个四方形的碗里,然后加入1份的糯米,接着排入1份的馅料,最后再加入1份的糯米即可。将荷叶包成一个四方形包裹,倒模,然后以棉绳绑好。一直重复做法直到用完所有荷叶及糯米。
5. 把荷叶包裹放入竹蒸笼里,以高火蒸45分钟。将包裹从蒸笼取出,剪开荷叶,撒上青葱粒,乘热享用。
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Glutinous Rice with Chicken Wrapped in Lotus Leaf
400 g glutinous rice, soaked for 4 hours or overnight in refrigerator
5 tbsp cooking oil
2 tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsp minced shallot
2 chicken whole legs, deboned and cut into bite sizes
1/4 cup dried shrimp, soaked for 10 minutes, then drained
4 dried shiitake mushroom, soaked till soften, then cut into half
1 Chinese sausage, sliced diagonally
4 salted egg yolks
pieces of dried lotus leaves
Seasoning for rice:
1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp white pepper powder
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
Marinade for chicken:
1 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tsp brown sugar
1/4 tsp white pepper powder
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp corn flour
1. Soak the lotus leaves for 30 minutes or until the leaves are softened. Drain and pat dry with kitchen paper towel. Marinate the chicken and soaked shiitake mushroom with marinade for at least 1 hour.
2. Heat 3 tbsp of oil a wok over medium heat, add 1 tbsp of minced garlic and 1 tbsp of minced shallot, saute until fragrant. Add dried shrimp and stir fry for 1 minute. Add glutinous rice and seasoning, stir fry until well combined. Dish the glutinous rice onto a steaming tray, and steam for 45 minutes over high heat.
3. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in another frying fan over medium heat, add 1 tbsp of minced garlic and 1 tbsp of minced shallot, saute until fragrant. Add the marinated chicken and mushrooms, stir fry for 2 to 3 minutes until half cooked. Dish out and set aside.
4. Divide the steamed glutinous rice into 8 portions and the fillings (chicken, mushrooms, sausage and salted egg yolks) into 4 portions. Place a piece of lotus leaf onto a square bowl, fill the center of lotus leaf with 1 portion of glutinous rice, then place 1 portion of fillings, lastly top with another portion of glutinous rice. Wrap the lotus leaf into a square parcel, unmould and secure with kitchen twine. Repeat with remaining lotus leaf and rice.
5. Place the lotus leaf parcels in the bamboo steamer basket and steam over high heat for 45 minutes.
Remove from steamer and unwrap the parcels. Sprinkle with some chopped spring onion and serve hot.
I'm submitting this post to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (BREE# 12 Dim Sum) organized by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-hosted by May (厨苑食谱).
This post is also linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Aug 2015 : Brown Sugar and Molasses) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Jess from Bakericious.
ReplyDelete但是我不管了, 直闯了进屋取了这香喷喷的荷叶饭, 36计走为上着, 跑。。。! 哈哈哈。。。