Saturday 28 February 2015

热巧克力榛果醬饮料 Nutella Hot Chocolate

早前生日时做了巧克力榛果醬芝士蛋糕给自己,觉得用巧克力榛果醬(Nutella)来做甜品很不错。前两天我又用了Nutella来准备饮料,一杯热巧克力榛果醬饮料加上几个夏果俄罗斯茶饼就成了我的下午茶。新年期间去了一趟马六甲,在Jonker Walk逛了一阵子就败了好几样东西回来,在那里真的不能待太久,感觉有太多东西都想买,如果待太久真的怕自己会失控买太多。这些刚败回来的东西想让它第一时间亮相,尤其是那相框,颜色特别又带点旧旧的感觉。其实这类型的相框还有好几款,不过最终只选了一个,三月可能还会去马六甲一趟,希望到时可以再败些新玩意回来。


鲜奶 1杯
可可粉 1汤匙
巧克力榛果醬 3汤匙

打发鲜奶油  适量
可可粉 少许

1. 将牛奶,可可粉和巧克力榛果醬放入小锅中,以中火加热,搅拌至完全混合和顺滑。将热巧克力榛果醬饮料倒入杯中,挤上鲜奶油,撒上少许可可粉即可饮用。


Nutella Hot Chocolate

1 cup fresh milk
1 tbsp cocoa powder
3 tbsp Nutella

For garnish:
Some whipped cream
Additional cocoa powder to sprinkle

1. Heat milk, cocoa powder and Nutella in a saucepan over medium heat, Whisk until well combine and smooth, then turn off the heat. Pour the hot chocolate into a glass, top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder. Serve immediately.

Servings: 1 glass

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Feb 2015 Event: Cocoa) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Grace of Life can be Simple.

Friday 27 February 2015

冷可可饮料 Cold Cocoa Drink


冷可可饮料 + 巧克力榛果醬芝士蛋糕

鲜奶 2杯
可可粉 4汤匙
炼奶 2汤匙
冰块 适量

1. 将牛奶,可可粉和炼奶放入小锅中,以中火加热,搅拌至完全混合和顺滑即可熄火。将可可饮料倒入两个装满冰块的玻璃杯里,即可饮用。


Cold Cocoa Drinks

2 cups fresh milk
4 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp condensed milk
Some ice cubes

1. Heat milk, cocoa powder and condensed milk in a saucepan over medium heat, Whisk until well combine and smooth, then turn off the heat. Pour the cocoa drinks into 2 serving glasses filled with ice cubes. Serve immediately.

Servings:2 glasses

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Feb 2015 Event: Cocoa) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Grace of Life can be Simple.

CNY Dishes # 5 - 金花朵朵齐迎春 | 黄金桂花糕 Osmanthus Jelly




燕菜粉 25克
清水 2.5公升
干桂花 2 1/2汤匙
糖 250克
枸杞 3-5汤匙(用水浸泡至软)

1. 煮滚2.5公升的水,加入糖和燕菜粉,搅拌至完全溶解。
2. 加入桂花和枸杞,煮1至2分钟即可熄火, 倒入预先准备的模型,放置在室温直到凝固,收入冰箱里冷藏两小时即可食用。

Osmanthus Jelly

25 g agar-agar powder
2.5 L water
2 1/2 tbsp dried osmanthus flower
250 g sugar
3-5 tbsp wolfberries, soaked till soften

1. Bring 2.5 L water to boil, add sugar and agar-agar powder, keep stirring till dissolve.
2. Add dried osmanthus flower and wolfberries, simmer for 1-2 minutes then turn off the heat. Pour the mixture into the mould and let it set. Chill in refrigerator for at least two hours before serving.

This post is linked to My Treasured Recipes#5 - Chinese New Year Goodies (Jan/Feb 2015) Hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders & Co-Hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery.

And also linked to Cook and Celebrate: CNY 2015 organised by Yen from Eat your heart out, Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.

Thursday 26 February 2015

CNY Dishes #4 - 年年有余合家欢 | 鲍鱼香菇伴时蔬 Braised Abalone and Mushrooms





香菇 8朵(浸泡至软,去蒂,然后挤出多余的水份)
干贝 8个(用清水冲洗)
小白菜 8棵(川烫至熟)
罐头鲍鱼 1罐
蒜头 4瓣(剥去外衣)
姜 2片
蚝油 1汤匙
清水或浸泡香菇的水 400毫升

蚝油 1/2汤匙
鲍鱼汁 1汤匙
绍兴酒 1汤匙
冰糖 1/2汤匙
酱油 1/2汤匙
老抽 1/8茶匙
水 250毫升
粟粉 1汤匙

1. 将罐头鲍鱼的标签去掉,不要打开罐头,将罐头直接放入一锅热水里煮3小时。煮好后将罐头从锅里取出,放置一旁让其完全冷却。把罐头打开,取出鲍鱼,罐头里的酱汁可以保留用来煮其他菜肴。

2. 以中火烧热一个锅子,加入1汤匙的油烧热,加入蒜头及姜片爆香。加入香菇,拌炒大约1分钟。接着加入干贝,1汤匙的蚝油及清水或浸泡香菇的水,煮至滚,然后转至中小火,焖煮30分钟。

3. 把酱汁的材料放入一个锅里,煮至滚,然后转至中小火,加入鲍鱼煮1分钟即可熄火。

4. 将焖香菇,干贝及小白菜排入盘,接着把鲍鱼排在中间,然后把酱汁淋上,乘热享用。

Braised Abalone and Mushrooms

8 dried Chinese mushrooms, soaked until soften, remove the stems and squeeze out the excess water
8 dried scallops, rinsed
8 heads bok choy, blanched
1 can abalone
4 cloves garlic, peeled
2 slices ginger
1 tbsp oyster sauce
400 ml water or reserved water from soaking mushroom

1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp abalone sauce
1 tbsp Shao Xing wine
1/2 tbsp rock sugar
1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
1/8 tsp dark soy sauce
250 ml water
1 tbsp cornstarch


1. Remove the label of canned abalone, cook the whole can of abalone unopened in a pot of hot water for 3 hours.  Remove the can from hot water and set aside to let it cool completely. Open the can and drain, you can retain the liquid for other dishes if you wish.

2. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a saucepan over medium heat, add garlic and ginger. Saute till fragant. Add mushroom and stir fry for 1 minute. Add dried scallop, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 400 ml water or reserved water from soaking mushroom. Bring to a boil, then turn to medium low heat and braise for 30 minutes.

3. Heat the sauce ingredients in a pan. Bring to a boil then reduce to medium low heat, add abalones and simmer for 1 minute, then turn off the heat.

4. Arrange braised mushrooms, scallops and blanched bok choy on the serving plate, then place the abalones in the center. Pour the sauce over and serve immediately.

This post is linked to My Treasured Recipes#5 - Chinese New Year Goodies (Jan/Feb 2015) Hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders & Co-Hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery.

And also linked to Cook and Celebrate: CNY 2015 organised by Yen from Eat your heart out, Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

CNY Dishes #3 - 金银满屋笑哈哈 | 金瓜芋香奶油虾煲 Golden Pumpkin and Yam Butter Prawns in Claypot




大虾 8只(剪须脚,去肠泥)
南瓜泥 150克
淡奶 1罐
水 200毫升
南瓜 100克(切小块)
芋头 200克(切小块)
牛油 50克
咖哩叶 4支
指天椒 2-3条(切圈)

盐 1/2茶匙
糖 2汤匙

1. 以中火烧热平底锅,加入牛油和咖哩叶,炒至香。加入南瓜和芋头,炒大约一分钟,加入清水,然后加盖煮至南瓜和芋头变软。

2. 加入指天椒、淡奶、南瓜泥和调味料,煮至滚后即可加入虾,把虾煮至熟即可。将煮好的虾倒入瓦煲里,配与白饭一起食用。

Golden Pumpkin and Yam Butter Prawns in Claypot

8 large prawns, trimmed and deveined
150 g pumpkin puree
1 can evaporated milk
200 ml water
100 g pumpkin, cubed
200 g yam, cubed
50 g butter
4 sprigs curry leaves
2-3 bird's eye chilli, chopped

1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar

1. Heat the pan over medium heat, add butter and curry leave. Saute till fragrant. Add pumpkin and yam, stir fry for about 1 minute. Add water and put on the lid, cook till the pumpkin and yam are soften.

2. Add bird's eye chilli, evaporated milk, pumpkin puree and seasoning, bring to a boil. Add prawns and cook till just done. Transfer the prawns to a claypot. Serve hot with white rice.

This post is linked to My Treasured Recipes#5 - Chinese New Year Goodies (Jan/Feb 2015) Hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders & Co-Hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery.

And also linked to Cook and Celebrate: CNY 2015 organised by Yen from Eat your heart out, Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.

CNY Dishes # 2 - 花开富贵贺新岁 | 花枝拼带子烟肉卷 Scallop Bacon Roll & Stir-fried Cuttelfish with XO Sauce





(食谱参考美味风采第112期,pg. 49,,做一些更改)

烟肉/培根 8片
带子 4粒(切半)
鱼胶 160克
鸡蛋 1粒(大散)
粟粉 适量

花枝 250克(去内脏,切花,然后切块状)
西芹 100克(切片)
鸿喜菇 100克 (去蒂拨散)
XO酱 30克

糖 1/4茶匙
胡椒粉 适量

番茄酱 6汤匙
辣椒酱 2汤匙
李派林喼汁 1汤匙
糖 1汤匙
盐 1/4茶匙
粟粉 1茶匙
水 1/4杯

1. 将花枝,西芹和鸿喜菇分别放入滚水中川烫10至15秒,然后捞出沥干水份。

2. 在烟肉上抹上一些层薄薄的鱼胶,把带子放上,然后卷起来。将烟肉卷沾上蛋液,裹上一层粟粉,然后放入热油锅中炸至金黄色。.

3. 以中高火烧热平底锅,加入XO酱炒香,然后转至大火,加入花枝,西芹、鸿喜菇和调味料,快速拌炒至均匀即可,将炒好的花枝盛入盘中。

4. 将所有酱汁材料放入另一个平底锅中,煮滚至酱汁浓稠,加入炸好的烟肉卷,拌炒一下直到烟肉卷裹上一层酱汁即可。将烟肉卷排盘,乘热享用。

Scallop Bacon Roll & Stir-fried Cuttelfish with XO Sauce

(Recipe adapted from Oriental Cuisine, Issue No.112, pg. 49,, with some adjustments)

Bacon roll:
8 streaky bacon
4 scallops, cut into half
160 g fish paste
1 egg, beaten
Some cornstarch

Stir-fried Cuttelfish:
250g cuttelefish, cleaned and scored, then cut into pieces
100 g celery, sliced
200 g shimeji mushrooms, trimmed and pulled apart
30 g XO sauce

1/4 tsp sugar
A dash of pepper

6 tbsp tomato sauce
2 tbsp chilli sauce
1 tbsp Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp corn starch
1/4 cup water

1. Blanch cutttlefish, shimeji mushroom and celery separately in boiling water for 10-15 seconds, dish out and drain.

2. Spread a thin layer of fish paste on bacon, then place the scallop on top and roll it up.  Dip the bacon roll in egg mixture, then coat with corn starch. Deep fry the bacon roll in hot oil until golden brown.

3. Heat the pan over medium high heat, add XO sauce and fry till fragrant. Turn to high heat, add  cutttlefish, shimeji mushroom, celery and seasoning, quickly stir fry till mix well. Dish out and transfer to serving plate.

4. Combine all the sauce ingredients in another pan and boil until the sauce is thicken. Toss in the fried bacon rolls until well coated. Arrange the bacon rolls on the serving plate and serve immediately.

This post is linked to My Treasured Recipes#5 - Chinese New Year Goodies (Jan/Feb 2015) Hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders & Co-Hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery.

And also linked to Cook and Celebrate: CNY 2015 organised by Yen from Eat your heart out, Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.

Monday 23 February 2015

CNY Dishes #1 - 百财聚来喜迎春 | 白菜鱼鳔汤 Napa Cabbage and Fish Maw Soup




炸鱼鳔 200克
白菜 500克(切成1寸段)
干贝 4个,稍微冲洗
排骨 600克
鸡壳 600克
姜 2片
罐头蘑菇 1罐(切半)
水 4公升
盐和胡椒粉 适量

1. 煮滚一锅水,将排骨和鸡壳放入氽烫2至3分钟,去除血水和杂质,烫好后将排骨沥干用水清洗一洗,把表面的杂质洗掉。 用热水将鱼鳔浸泡至软,沥干用清水冲洗,挤干水份,然后切成小块备用。

2. 把排骨、鸡壳、干贝和4公升的水放入汤锅里,煮至滚然后转至小火煮3个小时。高汤煮好后就用筛网过滤。

3. 将高汤再次煮滚,加入姜片,白菜和鱼鳔,然后以中火煮至鱼鳔变软即可。加入蘑菇,煮1分钟,以盐和胡椒粉调味即可饮用。

Napa Cabbage and Fish Maw Soup

200g deep-fried fish maw, 
500g napa cabbage, cut into 1 inch sections
4 dried scallops, rinsed
600g pork rib
600g chicken carcass
2 slices ginger
1 canned button mushroom, cut into halves
4 litre water
Salt and pepper, to taste

1. Bring a pot of water to boil. Put the pork ribs and chicken carcass in and cook for 2-3 minutes. Drain off the liquid and rinse the pork ribs and chicken carcass with tap water. Soak the fish maw in hot water until softened. Drain and rinse, then squeeze out the liquid and cut into small pieces. Set aside.

2. Place the pork ribs, chicken carcass, scallop and 4 litre of water into a stockpot. Bring to a boil then turn to low heat and cook for 3 hours. After 3 hours, strain the stock through a fine-mesh strainer. 

3. Bring the stock to a boil, add ginger, napa cabbage and fish maw, cook over medium heat until fish maw is soften to your liking. Add button mushrooms and cook for 1 minute. Season with salt and pepper and the soup is ready to serve.

And also linked to Cook and Celebrate: CNY 2015 organised by Yen from Eat your heart out, Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

纳福迎羊,新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year !

在此送上五道贺年菜肴给大家,祝大家羊年快乐,万事如意 !
Wishing You All A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Chinese New Year!

白菜鱼鳔汤 Napa Cabbage and Fish Maw Soup

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