The Art of Cooking的蜜汁鸡,这蜜汁鸡看起来很美味,我马上就将这食谱bookmark起来,列为必煮的食谱之一。果然这食谱没让我失望,鸡块外脆内软多汁,加上酸酸甜甜的蜜汁和芝麻,令人吃了一块接一块,停步不了口。不过这蜜汁鸡必须趁热吃,因为一旦冷了外皮就开始软,美味程度会大大下降。
鸡胸肉 475克
盐 1/2茶匙
蒜粉 1/4茶匙
白胡椒粉 1/8茶匙
水 3汤匙
番茄酱 5汤匙
糖 4汤匙
水 3汤匙
蜂蜜 2汤匙
鸡蛋 1粒
盐 1/4茶匙
蒜粉 1/4茶匙
冷开水 10汤匙
小苏打粉 2茶匙
粟米粉 1/2杯
面粉 3/4杯
橄榄油 2汤匙
烤香白芝麻 少许
1. 将番茄酱、糖、蜂蜜和水混合,调成蜜汁。
2. 把鸡肉的切成1寸的长条,然后每条切成1寸的块状。加入盐、白胡椒粉、蒜粉和水,混合均匀腌制15分钟。
4. 把油预热至190℃,放入鸡肉炸大约1至1分钟30秒,将鸡肉捞出备用,然后继续炸另一批。
5. 当所有鸡肉都炸了一次后就将油加热至190℃,放入鸡肉再炸第二次,继续炸至金黄色。油炸的时间大约4-5分钟。一旦鸡肉炸至金黄色,将鸡肉捞出,沥干油份。
6. 把调好的蜜汁倒入锅里,加热至糖完全溶化。加入炸好的鸡肉块,搅拌均匀至鸡肉块裹上蜜汁即可。将蜜汁鸡盛碟,撒上少许烤香的白芝麻装饰,乘热享用。
Honey Chicken
475 g chicken breast
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/8 tsp white pepper
3 tbsp water
Honey Sauce:
5 tbsp ketchup
4 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp water
2 tbs honey
1 egg
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
10 tbsp cold water
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup corn starch
3/4 cup flour
2 tbsp olive oil
For garnish:
Some toasted white sesame
1. Make the sauce by combining the ketchup, sugar, honey and water and mix.
2. Cut the chicken in half, then into 1 inch strips. Cut each strips into 1 inch cubes. Add salt, white pepper, garlic powder and water. Mix and let the chicken marinate for 15 mins.
3. Make the batter by combine salt, garlic powder, egg, cold water, baking powder. Then add in corn starch, flour and vegetable oil last. Combine the chicken and batter together.
4. Preheat oil to 190℃ and fry the chicken for 1 minute to 1 minute 30 seconds, then remove and set aside. Fry the next batch.
5. Once all the chicken are pre-fried, add the chicken back into the 190℃ oil and continue to fry until golden brown. The total frying time is about 4-5 minutes. Once it turns golden brown, remove the chicken and drain.
6. Pour the sauce into a wok or pan and heat until the sugar is dissolve. Add the chicken in and coat it with the sauce. Dish out and transfer to serving plate. Garnish with some toasted white sesame. Serve immediately.