之前怀着小宝贝时总怕不够维他命,所以每个星期都会买一大包橙回来,放在冰箱里,得空没事就切来吃,或榨汁喝。现在有点忙的我平时也很少吃水果了,加上之前冰箱总是满满的,我也不敢买这么多水果回来。鲜橙的种类蛮多的,Valencia,Navel和Cara-Cara是几种比较常见的,可是无论是榨汁还是吃果肉,我都爱选Valencia Orange,我个人觉得橙的香气较浓,汁又多,带点微酸,吃起来特别开胃,嘻嘻,所以那时怀孕其间就吃了一大堆的Valencia Orange。
图中的高瓶子是早前购物时败回来的, 城中又有一间大型购物广场开张了! 印象中那间店我去新加坡旅行时有逛过, 里面卖的东西都很特别,很高兴在这里也有分店。 有兴趣的朋友也可以上网购物。 |
一部份的蛋糕粘在饭锅底,倒扣时还连着饭锅底,导致我原本美美的蛋糕就这样毁了。不过只是外形不美而已,并不影响口感! |
粘在饭锅底的蛋糕,我已经搽了一层油,结果还是有些部份会粘底,也可能是因为饭锅已经有段时间了,底部一部份的不粘层可能已经被磨掉了。 |
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这是我家Panasonic SR-LV18,10杯/18L容量的电饭锅。 |
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第一次用饭锅烘的长崎蛋糕 ,食谱参考这里,我按“CAKE”键共烘了35分钟。上一次的成品脱模时很好,没粘底,表面美美的,唯一可惜的是粗燥的蛋糕组织,不过还好有清香的蜂蜜味来搭救一下。 |
蛋白 6个
幼糖 130克
蛋黄 6个
全蛋 2个
粟米油 100克
低筋面粉 130克(过筛)
鲜橙汁 60毫升(1粒橙)
橙皮茸 2粒橙
香橙草香精 1茶匙
橙色素 数滴
榛果可可酱 2汤匙
1. 将蛋黄,全蛋,粟米油,低筋面粉,鲜橙汁,橙皮茸,香橙香精和橙色素搅拌均匀成蛋黄糊备用。
2. 把蛋白打至发泡后,分数次慢慢地加入幼糖打至硬性发泡。
3. 把蛋白霜分三次轻轻地拌入蛋黄糊里。
4. 把1/3的面糊勺入另一个碗里,加入榛果可可酱拌匀成可可面糊。
5. 在电饭内锅内抹上一层油,然后将橙味面糊与可可面糊交替倒入内锅里,用筷子在面糊里以“8”字形划,形 成大理石纹。
6. 轻震出大气泡,放入电饭锅内,按“CAKE”键,然后开始烘大约60-70分钟或至熟即可(将竹签插入蛋糕内,取出如果没粘液沾在竹签上即是熟了)。烘好后将内锅取出,立刻倒扣待冷,脱模切片即可。
**我用Panasonic SR-LV18,10杯/18L容量的电饭锅。
**食谱参考这里,做了一些更改。烤鸡蛋糕的原食谱是来自Chris Lim。
Orange Marble Baked Egg Cake
Ingredients:6 eggs white
130g caster sugar
6 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
100g corn oil
130g superfine flour (sifted)
60ml freshly squeezed orange juice (1 orange)
Grated orange zest from 2 oranges (outer orange skin)
1 tsp orange essence
Few drops of orange colouring
2 tbsp Nutella Hazelnut-cocoa Spread
1. In a mixing bowl, whisk the egg yolks, whole eggs, corn oil, orange juice, orange zest, orange essence, orange colouring and superfine flour until well combined.
2. In another mixing bowl, beat the egg whites until it look bubbly and foamy, then gradually add in the caster sugar and continue to beat until stiff peak form.
3. Use a spatula gently fold in the egg white meringue to the egg yolks mixture, then fold in the remaining egg whites to the mixture.
4. Scoop out 1/3 of the batter to a bowl. Add Nutella Hazelnut-cocoa Spread to the batter and mix well.
5. Grease the pot of the rice cooker, then scoop spoonfuls of two batters and put them in the pot of rice cooker, alternate the orange and chocolate batter. Then use a skewer or chopsticks to insert and gently swirl it to create the marble like pattern.
6. Gently knock the pot of the rice cooker to remove any air bubbles, place the pot in the rice cooker, close the rice cooker, then press the "CAKE" button to start, bake for 60-70 minutes or when skewer is inserted in the centre of the cake and it comes out clean. Invert the cake immediately after baking and leave it to cool before cutting into slices.
How to bake in the oven:
Bake in an oven at 160ºC for 30-35 minutes or when skewer is inserted in the centre of the cake and it comes out clean.
**I am using Panasonic SR-LV18 with 10 cups / 18L capacity.
**I pressed the "CAKE" button 2 times and took a total of 1 hour and 5 minutes. The default setting for "CAKE" function is 40 minutes, after 40 minutes the cake is half-baked, so I press the "CAKE" button to start bake once again. After pressed the "CAKE" button for second time, I checked from time to time to ensure the cake is not over-baked. The time stated in the recipe is for reference only, the actual baking time may vary depending on the tbrand/model of rice cooker that you are using.
**Recipe was adapted from here, with some minor changes. Original recipe of baked egg cake was from Chris Lim.
This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Bake For Happy Kids, and My Little Favourite DIY, hosted by Ann of Anncoo Journal at this post.
I am also submitting this post to Rice Cooker Cake Challenge #1 - Are You Game for It? hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders.
DeleteHi Violet, 这鸡蛋糕最近真的很火红。我也做了两次。 原来鸡蛋糕也可以用饭锅来烤。谢谢分享
ReplyDelete谢谢你参与这个月的 LTU - 香橙之月。
是啊,这蛋糕真的很红!我也是看到Miss B的event然后尝试挑战一下用饭锅,出来的效果不错,除了粘饭锅底那一部份。
DeleteHi Violet, this orange marble rice cooker cake looks delicious...mmm..i will try them soon:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. I am wondering that whether you will bake it using a rice cooker or using an oven?
ReplyDelete你的香橙大理石蛋糕做得好精致,好漂亮的条纹,真的看不出是用电饭锅做的。我之前也尝试做过大理石蛋糕,但pound cake毕竟不是蒸蛋糕,要在电饭锅里做得成功很不容易,有时候太多牛油会沉淀在锅底。看来这个食谱我也要试一下。还有我的电饭锅也是和你的一样,历经风霜,坑坑洞洞的,今天做萝卜蛋糕脱模时也差点毁容。:)
哦,忘了感谢你的参与,多了一个电饭锅蛋糕供大家参考。 :)
Delete本来以为这次没人参加, 我下次就不办了。现在有你的支持, 我下个月多办一次用电饭锅做面包。我把你的食谱分享在我的面薄上, 很多人都按like。:)
这次我用加入一些液体(橙汁)在面糊里, 家人觉得没有这么干, 所以我也很难做比较。我有位朋友用了我其它烤鸡蛋糕的食谱, 由于家里没烤箱, 所以她是用电飯锅来烘。如果可以发掘更多适合用饭鍋来烘的蛋糕食谱, 就会有更多的人受惠。 饭锅烘面包是不错的的idea, 如果时间允许, 我会参加, 不过揉面团需要时间, 对我来说也是一个新的挑战。
DeleteHi Violet, thanks for sharing the recipe.
ReplyDeleteMy 1st attempt to bake a cake and i decided to try tried thisto.
I used oven with 160'c for 30 min.
The outer cake looks nice but i used toothpick test inside still moist, hence i put back again for another 5 min. But the result the outer layer i can smell the burned smell but inside still moist. May i know what might be the problem? thank you in advance.
Maybe the temperature is too high, you may need to lower the temperature and bake for a longer time. The temperature stated in the recipe is for reference only, may need to adjust accordingly due to different brands of oven used.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Violet,
ReplyDeleteI am compiling the RCC roundup, I have not received your email yet, could you pls email me the foto attachment that you want to display or send me the foto url? Thanks !
我也try过bake castella cake也是不成功。
ReplyDelete我的饭锅也是擦了油也会黏锅底。一定要放baking paper在锅底。