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加了覆盆子酒,令蛋糕樱花镜面的颜色变成淡淡的褐黄色。 |
盐渍樱花在水中再度盛开,淡淡迷人的粉红色。。。 |
消化饼干 180克(压碎)
牛油 80克(溶化)
奶油芝士 250克(室温)
砂糖 150克
清水 100毫升
鱼胶粉 3汤匙
原味优格 250克
鲜奶油 400毫升(打发)
覆盆子酒 2汤匙(可省略)
鱼胶粉 1 1/2汤匙
砂糖 50克
覆盆子酒 1/2汤匙(可省略)
盐渍樱花 8束
1. 将盐渍樱花的盐冲洗掉,然后浸泡在清水里大约2小时以去掉咸味,然后沥干备用。 在一个大碗里,将饼干碎和溶化的牛油混合均匀,紧压在7寸脱底圆模里,放入冰箱冷藏备用。
2. 将100毫升的清水和3汤匙的鱼胶粉混合,放入微波炉加热直到完全溶化为止(或者可以用隔水加热)。将鱼胶液放置一旁让其冷却。
3. 在一个大碗里,将奶油芝士和砂糖搅拌至软滑,加入溶化的鱼胶液搅拌均匀,然后将原味优格和覆盆子酒加入奶油芝士馅里,搅拌均匀。最后将打发的鲜奶油轻轻拌入奶油芝士馅里。
4. 从冰箱取出模型,将奶油芝士馅倒入模里,放入冰箱冷藏大约4至5小时或至凝固。
5. 樱花镜面:在一个小锅里将清水和鱼胶粉混合均匀,加入砂糖,以小火加热,搅拌至糖和鱼胶粉完全溶化即可,熄火,加入覆盆子酒拌匀,然后放置一旁待凉。取出已凝固的芝士蛋糕,缓缓地倒入镜面液体,然后将樱花排放好,放入冰箱冷藏至凝固。
6. 镜面完全凝固后即可将蛋糕从冰箱取出脱模,切片享用。
Sakura Cheese Cake
180g digestive biscuits (crushed)
80g butter (melted)
Cream cheese filling:
250 g cream cheese (room temperature)
150g sugar
100ml water
3tbsp gelatin
250g plain yoghurt
400ml dairy whipping cream (whipped)
2 tbsp Black Raspberry Wine (optional)
1 1/2 tbsp gelatin
300ml water
50g sugar
1/2 tbsp Black Raspberry Wine (optional)
8 pickled Sakura
1. Rinse off the salt on the pickled sakura and soak the pickled sakura with clean water for 2 hours . In a large bowl, combine the crushed digestive biscuits and melted butter, mix well. Then press the crumbs mixture firmly into the base of a 7" cake pan (with removable base), put the cake pan in the refrigerator for later use.
2. In a small bowl, mix 3tbsp of gelatin with 100ml of water,stir until well combine. Warm it up in microwave oven until the gelatin is fully dissolved (alternatively you can double boil the mixture until the gelatin is fully dissolved). Set aside the mixture and allow it to cool completely.
3. In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Then add gelatin mixture, mix well. Next, add in the yoghurt and Black Raspberry Wine, mix till well combined. Lastly, gently fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture.
4. Remove the prepared cake pan from refrigerator, then pour the cream cheese mixture on the cake pan. Refrigerate for about 4-5 hours or until set.
5. Topping: Combine the gelatin and water in a small pot, stir until well combine. Add sugar, cook on low heat and stir till the sugar and gelatin are fully dissolved. Remove from heat and add the Black Raspberry Wine, then set aside and allow it to cool completely. Remove the cheese cake from refrigerator, gently pour the mixture on top of the cheese cake, then gently place the pickled sakura on the topping mixture and arrange them nicely. Refrigerate until the topping is set.
6. Remove the cheese cake from cake pan. Slice and serve chilled.
I have one little gift for you for being so supportive to my blog, Violet's Kitchen. I would like to giveaway Pickled Sakura and this giveaway is opened for those residing in Malaysia only. To enter the giveaway, kindly leave you name and email in the comment section of this post. Closing date will be on this Friday, 2nd May 2014. Good Luck!
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希望收到的幸运儿会喜欢。 |