Wednesday, 30 April 2014

柑橘宾治 Citrus Fruit Punch


祝大家劳动节快乐!Happy Labour Day!


鲜橙 2粒(榨汁)
柠檬 1/2粒(榨汁)
青柠 1/2粒(榨汁)
蜜糖 2汤匙
覆盆子酒 2汤匙
苏打水 适量

薄荷 适量
清水 适量

竹签 2枝


1. 将薄荷洗净沥干,只取叶子部份,在冰块模里倒入适量的清水,然后在模里的每一个小格子里加入一片叶子,放入冰箱结成冰块,备用。把鲜橙,柠檬和青柠瓣依次序用竹签串起来做成柑橘串,备用。
2. 在一个高杯里倒入蜜糖,接着再倒入覆盆子酒,然后加入薄荷冰块直到八分满。
3. 把橙汁,柠檬汁和青柠汁加入杯中,接着倒入苏打水直到杯的八分满。
4. 把柑橘串插在杯里做装饰,即可享用!

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Bake For Happy Kids, and My Little Favourite DIY, hosted by Ann of Anncoo Journal at this post

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

蜜糖香橙烤鸡全腿 Honey Orange Roasted Chicken Legs



蜜糖香橙烤鸡全腿 Honey Orange Roasted Chicken Legs

鸡全腿 4
鲜橙 1 (横切片)
橄榄油 适量

牛油 100克(室温)
鲜橙皮茸  2粒橙的份量
蜜糖 1/4
黑胡椒碎 1/2茶匙

牛油 1汤匙
面粉 1汤匙
蜜糖 2汤匙
黑胡椒碎 适量

1. 将鸡腿洗干净抹干备用。把蜜糖香橙牛油的材料放在一个小碗里混和均匀,把一部份的牛油混合物涂抹于鸡的皮与肉之间,剩余的涂抹在鸡全腿表面,腌制1小时或以上。
2. 在烤盘上倒些橄榄油,把鲜橙片铺排在烤盘里,然后把腌好的鸡腿放在鲜橙片上面,最后倒入1/2杯水。
3. 将烤盘放入预热180°C烤炉里,烤大约45分钟或至鸡腿熟即可。烤好后将鸡腿取出,让鸡腿休息大约10分钟。
4. 蜜糖香橙酱汁:烧热一个小锅,加入牛油,然后慢慢加入面粉炒至均匀。把橙汁缓缓加入,一面加入一面搅拌,让面糊和橙汁混合,混合至均匀后以小火煮至带点浓稠即可,最后加入蜜糖,盐和黑胡椒碎调味就可熄火。
5. 将鸡腿,橙片和其他配菜排盘,淋上蜜糖香橙酱汁,乘热享用。

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Bake For Happy Kids, and My Little Favourite DIY, hosted by Ann of Anncoo Journal at this post

Monday, 28 April 2014

樱花芝士蛋糕 Sakura Cheese Cake | 部落格二周年庆&抽奖活动 2nd Blog Anniversary & Giveaway








消化饼干 180克(压碎)
牛油 80克(溶化)

奶油芝士 250克(室温)
砂糖 150克
清水 100毫升
鱼胶粉 3汤匙
原味优格 250克
鲜奶油 400毫升(打发)
覆盆子酒 2汤匙(可省略)

鱼胶粉 1 1/2汤匙
砂糖 50克
覆盆子酒 1/2汤匙(可省略)
盐渍樱花 8束

1. 将盐渍樱花的盐冲洗掉,然后浸泡在清水里大约2小时以去掉咸味,然后沥干备用。 在一个大碗里,将饼干碎和溶化的牛油混合均匀,紧压在7寸脱底圆模里,放入冰箱冷藏备用。

2. 将100毫升的清水和3汤匙的鱼胶粉混合,放入微波炉加热直到完全溶化为止(或者可以用隔水加热)。将鱼胶液放置一旁让其冷却。

3. 在一个大碗里,将奶油芝士和砂糖搅拌至软滑,加入溶化的鱼胶液搅拌均匀,然后将原味优格和覆盆子酒加入奶油芝士馅里,搅拌均匀。最后将打发的鲜奶油轻轻拌入奶油芝士馅里。

4. 从冰箱取出模型,将奶油芝士馅倒入模里,放入冰箱冷藏大约4至5小时或至凝固。

5. 樱花镜面:在一个小锅里将清水和鱼胶粉混合均匀,加入砂糖,以小火加热,搅拌至糖和鱼胶粉完全溶化即可,熄火,加入覆盆子酒拌匀,然后放置一旁待凉。取出已凝固的芝士蛋糕,缓缓地倒入镜面液体,然后将樱花排放好,放入冰箱冷藏至凝固。

6. 镜面完全凝固后即可将蛋糕从冰箱取出脱模,切片享用。

Sakura Cheese Cake

180g digestive biscuits (crushed)
80g butter (melted)

Cream cheese filling:
250 g cream cheese (room temperature)
150g sugar
100ml water
3tbsp gelatin
250g plain yoghurt
400ml dairy whipping cream (whipped)
2 tbsp Black Raspberry Wine (optional)

1 1/2 tbsp gelatin
300ml water
50g sugar
1/2 tbsp Black Raspberry Wine (optional)
8 pickled Sakura

1. Rinse off the salt on the pickled sakura and soak the pickled sakura with clean water for 2 hours . In a large bowl, combine the crushed digestive biscuits and melted butter, mix well. Then press the crumbs mixture firmly into the base of a 7" cake pan (with removable base), put the cake pan in the refrigerator for later use.

2. In a small bowl, mix 3tbsp of gelatin with 100ml of water,stir until well combine. Warm it up in microwave oven until the gelatin is fully dissolved (alternatively you can double boil the mixture until the gelatin is fully dissolved). Set aside the mixture and allow it to cool completely.

3. In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Then add gelatin mixture, mix well.  Next, add in the yoghurt and Black Raspberry Wine, mix till well combined. Lastly,  gently fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture.

4. Remove the prepared cake pan from refrigerator, then pour the cream cheese mixture on the cake pan. Refrigerate for about 4-5 hours or until set.

5. Topping: Combine the gelatin and water in a small pot, stir until well combine. Add sugar, cook on low heat and stir till the sugar and gelatin are fully dissolved.  Remove from heat and add the Black Raspberry Wine, then set aside and allow it to cool completely. Remove the cheese cake from refrigerator, gently pour the mixture on top of the cheese cake, then gently place the pickled sakura on the topping mixture and arrange them nicely. Refrigerate until the topping is set.

6. Remove the cheese cake from cake pan. Slice and serve chilled.




I have one little gift for you for being so supportive to my blog, Violet's Kitchen. I would like to giveaway Pickled Sakura and this giveaway is opened for those residing in Malaysia only. To enter the giveaway, kindly leave you name and email in the comment section of this post. Closing date will be on this Friday, 2nd May 2014. Good Luck!


Friday, 25 April 2014

韩式拌饭 | 비빔밥 Korean Mixed Rice with Meat and Assorted Vegetables | Bibimbap

常看韩剧的朋友们一定对韩式拌饭一点也不陌生吧,今天我要上的料理是韩式拌饭。韩式拌饭(비빔밥 Bibimbap)是韩国著名的菜肴之一,材料有米饭、炒过并加上调味料的蔬菜、牛肉、鸡蛋和苦椒醬,可以热食或冷食,食用時把材料拌勻即可。拌饭所用的蔬菜包括切丝的黃瓜、美洲南瓜、胡萝卜、萝卜、冬菇、海苔、桔梗、蕨、菠菜和豆芽菜。肉类可以用鸡肉或海鲜替代,此外,亦有供素食者享用的拌飯。最著名的拌饭之一是石头拌饭(돌솥 비빔밥 dolsot bibimbap),是锅饭的一种,以热石碗盛载材料,碗内塗上麻油,靠近碗面的米饭会变成色泽金黄,口感香脆。(资料来源维基百科







韩式拌饭 | 비빔밥

(食谱参考MyKorean Kitchen,做少许更改)

猪绞肉 150克
酱油 1 1/ 2汤匙
麻油 1 1/ 2汤匙
糖 1 1/2茶匙
蒜末 1/2茶匙

韩式凉拌菠菜 200克
干香菇 25克(浸泡至软)
萝卜 100克
盐 1茶匙(用于在烹煮香菇和萝卜,每样以 1/2茶匙来调味)
煮熟白米饭 3至4人份
鸡蛋 3至4粒
植物油 适量(用来烹煮肉类,香菇,萝卜和鸡蛋)
韩式海苔 适量(切丝)

韩式辣椒酱 2汤匙(苦椒醬
麻油 1汤匙
糖 1汤匙
清水 1汤匙
烤香芝麻 1汤匙
醋 1茶匙
蒜末 1茶匙

1. 准备和烹煮配料:
- 肉类:将猪肉及调味料混合均匀(当你在处理其他配料时,可将猪肉腌制大约三十分钟让猪肉更入味)。在锅里加入少许植物油,以中高或大火将猪肉炒至熟透,约三至五分钟。
- 菠菜:做法请看这里
- 香菇: 将浸泡好的香菇捞起,沥干水份,挤出多余的水份,然后切成薄片。在锅里加入一些植物油,放入香菇和半茶匙的盐,以以中高或大火将香菇炒至熟透。
- 萝卜:洗净,去皮,然后切成丝。在锅里加入一些植物油,放入萝卜丝和半茶匙的盐,以以中高或大火将香菇炒至熟透。
- 煎鸡蛋,可依个人喜好,煎太阳蛋或全熟蛋。
- 将调味酱的材料放入一个小碗里,然后混合均匀。

2. 把白饭盛入碗里,加入猪肉,蔬菜配料,海苔丝,煎蛋和调味酱。

3. 将碗里的饭,调味酱和其他配料混合均匀即可享用!

Korean Mixed Rice with Meat and Assorted Vegetables | Bibimbap

(Recipe adapted from MyKorean Kitchen, with some minor changes)
Serves: 3~4

Meat and meat sauce
150g minced pork
1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 1/2 tbsp sesame oil
1 1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp minced garlic

Vegetables and other:
200g mildly seasoned spinach
25g dried shiitake mushroom (soaked until plump)
100g carrots (1 small)
1 tsp ground salt (1/2 tsp each will be used when cooking shiitake mushroom and carrots)
3 to 4 serving portions of steamed rice
3 or 4 eggs (depending on the serving portion)
Some vegetable oil to cook the meat, mushroom, carrots and eggs
Korean seasoned seaweed, shredded/long thin cut

Bibimbap sauce – The below sauce might be only enough for 3 servings if you like eating it spicy.
2 Tbsp gochujang
1 Tbsp sesame oil
1 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp water
1 Tbsp roasted sesame seeds
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp minced garlic

1. Prepare and cook ingredients as below.
- For meat, mix the minced pork with the meat sauce listed above. (You can leave the marinated meat for about 30 mins while you are working on other ingredients to enhance the flavour.) Add some vegetable oil into a wok and cook the meat on medium high to high heat. It takes about 3 to 5 mins to thoroughly cook it.
- Spinach per linked recipe.
- Squeeze the soaked shiitake mushrooms to remove excess water and thinly slice them. Add some vegetable oil and ½ tsp of ground salt in a wok and cook the mushrooms on medium high to high heat until they are all cooked. 
- Wash, peel and julienne the carrots. Add some vegetable oil and ½ tsp of ground salt in a wok and cook the carrots on medium high to high heat for 2 to 3 mins.
- Make fried eggs. (While sunny side up is common, you can make them per your preference.)
- Mix the Bibimbap sauce ingredients in a bowl.
2. Put the rice into a bowl and add the meat, assorted vegetables, seasoned seaweed, egg and the Bibimbap sauce on top of the rice. Serve it.
3. Mix the ingredients well in the bowl and enjoy!

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest: Korea, hosted by Sharon of Feats of Feasts.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

韩式凉拌菠菜 | 시금치나물 반찬 Korean spinach salad dish | Sigeumchi Namul banchan


韩式凉拌菠菜 | 시금치나물 반찬  

(食谱参考My Korean Kitchen,做少许更改)

菠菜 460克 
盐 2茶匙
清水 10杯 

青葱 2茶匙(切碎) 
蒜末 1茶匙 
烤香芝麻 2茶匙 
盐 ½茶匙 
麻油 2汤匙 

1. 剪去菠菜的根部,用清水将菠菜冲洗干净。 (我在步骤5才将根部去处)
2. 将清水倒入锅里煮至滚,加入盐。当水开始沸腾时,将菠菜放入锅里,烫大约30秒。 (请依照菠菜的份量而调整时间)
3. 将菠菜捞起,沥干水份,放在流动的水中冲洗1-2分钟。 
4. 捞起菠菜,挤掉多余的水份。 
5. 将菠菜切成数段。 
6. 加入调味料,用手拌匀。 
7. 盛碟即可享受。


Korean spinach salad dish | Sigeumchi Namul banchan

(Recipe adapted from My Korean Kitchen, with some minor changes)
Serves: 8 servings as a side dish
460g fresh spinach
2 tsp ground salt – to add to the water
10 cups of water to boil

Seasoning sauce:
2 tsp finely chopped spring onion/scallion
1 tsp minced garlic
2 tsp roasted sesame seeds
½ tsp ground salt
2 Tbsp sesame oil

1. Trim the spinach roots and wash the spinach in cold water thoroughly. (I trim the spinach roots at the step no.5 before cutting it into pieces)
2. Boil the water in a pot/sauce pan for 5 to 7 mins. Add the salt (2 tsp). Once the water starts to boil, plunge the spinach into the pot and leave it for 30 seconds. (Please adjust the time accordingly depends on amount of the spinach)
3. Drain the boiled water away and run cold water on the spinach for 1-2 minutes.
4. Squeeze the spinach to remove excess water.
5. Cut the spinach into 2-3 pieces with a knife. 
6. Add the seasoning sauce and mix well with your hands.
7. Serve it on a plate and enjoy.

Note: The yield for this recipe is about 350grams, and this spinach salad is also well suited to accompany Bibimbap.

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest: Korea, hosted by Sharon of Feats of Feasts.

Monday, 21 April 2014

柑橘沙拉 Citrus Fruit Salad





我用了Haagen-Dazs 新的芒果与覆盆子雪糕来伴这柑橘沙拉。



(食谱参考 Anncoo Journal 和,做少许更改)

葡萄柚 1粒
鲜橙 3粒
日本春香柑橘 1粒
韩国柚子蜜 1汤匙
奇异籽 1/2茶匙

1. 用利刀去掉葡萄柚,2粒鲜橙和日本春香柑橘的内白皮,然后把果肉切瓣。
2. 将剩下的那粒鲜橙榨汁,把橙汁,韩国柚子蜜和奇异籽放入一个小碗里,搅拌均匀。
3. 将切好的果肉和沙拉酱汁放入冰箱冷藏。
4. 享用前将果肉放入碗中,淋上沙拉酱汁即可。也可在碗里放入一勺的雪糕,加入适量的柑橘沙拉,淋上沙拉酱汁当甜品食用。

Citrus Fruit Salad
(Recipe adapted from Anncoo Journal and, with some minor changes)

1 Pink grapefruit
3 Oranges
1 Japan Haruka citrus fruit
1 tbsp Korean Citron Honey
1/2 tsp Chia seeds

1. Peel and segment grapefruit, 2 oranges and Haruka citrus fruit with a sharp knife.
2. Juice remaining orange. Whisk orange juice, Korean Citron Honey and Chia seeds together in a small bowl.
3. Refrigerate citrus segments and the salad dressing in fridge until ready to serve.
4. Place citrus segments in a serving bowl and pour some salad dressing over it before serving. Or you can serve with a scoop of ice cream as dessert.

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Bake For Happy Kids, and My Little Favourite DIY, hosted by Ann of Anncoo Journal at this post

Friday, 18 April 2014

韩式柿子茶(水正果)| 수정과 Dessert punch with persimmon, cinnamon, and ginger | Sujeonggwa


之前看到Maangchi的一个甜品食谱很喜欢,柿饼核桃糖(Gotgamssam 곶감쌈,做法是把柿饼切开,然后包入核桃,冷藏后切片来吃。这个精致的甜品令人看了很心动,切片后的核桃好像被柿饼包着的一朵花。原本打算做那个甜品,不过又不想特地去买核桃回来,想要放弃时又让我又无意间发现了另一个跟柿饼有关的甜品,水正果。这个食谱里的材料家里全有,不用再额外买任何`食材回来,算准了时间,一到有水的日子就马上开炉煮茶去!





韩式柿子茶(水正果)| 수정과


份量: 4 -5人份

柿饼 4-5
桂皮 5
糖 1
清水 7½ - 8
松子 适量

1. 把姜洗净去皮切片,切大约有半杯的份量即可,然后把姜片放入一个锅里。
2. 将桂皮冲洗,然后放入锅里。
3. 在锅里加入8杯的清水,以大火煮20分钟。
4. 把火力调至中火,继续煮多25分钟。如果水煮至沸腾溢出即将盖子掀开,不用把盖子盖上。
5. 煮好后加入1杯糖,然后搅拌让茶冷却下来。
6. 把柿饼的蒂头取出,然后彻底地清洗干净。
7. 将煮好的茶用筛过滤,将桂皮和姜片过滤掉。
8. 把茶倒入玻璃瓶或玻璃碗里,加入洗净的柿子。
9. 盖上盖子,放入冰箱冷藏至少12小时。此茶可保存在冰箱里超过1周。
10. 将柿子茶勺入小碗里,加入冰块和柿子,撒上少许松子,即可享用。

Dessert punch with persimmon, cinnamon, and ginger | Sujeonggwa

(Recipe adapted from Maangchi)

Yield: 4 -5 servings

4-5 dried persimmons
5 cinnamon sticks
1/2 cup of ginger, sliced
1 cup of sugar
7½ to 8 cups of water
pine nuts

1. Wash, peel, and slice ½ cup’s worth of ginger. Put it into a pot or kettle.
2. Rinse 5 cinnamon sticks and put them into the pot.
3. Add 7½ to 8 cups of water and boil for 20 minutes over high heat.
4. Lower the heat to medium and boil for another 25 minutes. If it boils over, take off the lid.
5. Add 1 cup of sugar. Stir and cool it down.
6. Remove the stem of the dried persimmons and wash thoroughly.
7. Strain cinnamon sticks and sliced ginger in a colander.
8. Pour it into a glass jar or glass bowl and add the persimmons.
9. Put the lid on and keep it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. It will keep in the fridge for more than 1 week.

10. Serve cold with ice cubes. Use a ladle to give each person a small bowl of punch. Each serving should have one persimmon in it with a few pine nuts sprinkled on top.

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest: Korea, hosted by Sharon of Feats of Feasts.

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