点心午餐 ~ 蚝汁鲜竹卷蒸 + 烧卖 + 蒸烟肉卷 + 炸云吞 |
这样就变成另一款点心了。 |
淡腐皮 12张(尺寸15cm X 13cm)
蛋白 少许
葱丝 少许
猪绞肉 250克
去壳虾肉 75克(去肠泥,切丁)
红萝卜 30克(切丝)
浸软黑木耳 20克(切丝)
葱花 1汤匙
酱油 1汤匙
麻油 1/2汤匙
黄糖 1/2茶匙
粟粉 1汤匙
白胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
蛋白 1/2个
蒜茸 1/2汤匙
姜茸 1/2汤匙
蚝油 1汤匙
麻油 1/2汤匙
黄糖 1茶匙
绍兴酒 1汤匙
白胡椒粉 少许
粟粉 1/2汤匙
清水 2汤匙
1. 在一个大碗里加入猪绞肉、虾肉、红萝卜、黑木耳、葱花和调味料。用清洁的手将材料搅拌,往同一个方向搅拌数分钟直到馅料搅至有粘性及均匀,然后将馅料分成12份。
2. 取一张腐皮,用一块清洁的湿布轻轻地抹一抹,放入一份馅料,如以下图中将腐皮卷起来。用少许蛋白搽于腐皮封口。一直重复做法直到用完所有馅料。
3. 把包好的腐皮卷放入热油锅中炸至金黄色,然后盛出备用。
4. 在一个小锅中烧热1汤匙的油,加入蒜茸和姜茸爆香。倒入其他酱汁材料煮至滚,加入芡汁勾芡,煮至酱汁浓稠即可。
5. 把炸好的腐皮卷排入四个小碟中,淋上酱汁,放入竹蒸笼中蒸10分钟即可。撒上少许葱丝,乘热享用!
Beancurd Skin Rolls in Oyster Sauce
12 pieces unsalted beancurd skin, size 15cm X 13cm
Some egg white
Some spring onion, julienned
250 g minced pork
75 g shelled prawn, deveined and diced
30 g carrot, finely chopped
20 g soaked black fungus
1 tbsp chopped spring onion
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
1/2 tsp brown sugar
1 tbsp cornstarch
1/4 tsp white pepper powder
1/2 egg white
1/2 tbsp minced garlic
1/2 tbsp minced ginger
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp brown sugar
1 tbsp Shao Xing wine
A dash of white pepper powder
For thickening:
1/2 tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp water
1. In a mixing bowl, add minced pork, diced prawn, carrot, black fungus, chopped spring onion and seasoning. Mix the ingredients using your clean hands in one direction for few minutes until it becomes sticky and well mix. Divide the fillings into 12 portions.
2. Place a piece of the beancurd skin on a flat surface, wipe the beancurd skin carefully using a damp cloth to soften it. Place 1 portion of the filling in the middle of the beancurd skin. Roll the beancurd skin like as shown in the picture above. Brush some egg white on the edge to secure the roll. Repeat until all the fillings are used up.
3. Deep fry the beancurd rolls in hot oil until golden brown, dish out and set aside.
4. Heat 1 tbsp of cooking oil in a small saucepan. Add minced garlic and minced ginger, saute until fragrant. Add the remaining sauce ingredients, bring to a boil, Pour in the cornstarch slurry, stir well and cook until the sauce is thicken.
5. Arrange the fried beancurd skin rolls in 4 small plates, pour the sauce over, then place the small plates in the bamboo steamer basket and steam over high heat for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with some julienned spring onion and serve hot.