Thursday 20 March 2014

巴厘岛蕉叶烤鸡 Bali Baked Spices Chicken in Banana Leaves Wraps | Ayam Betutu

曾听过小姑提起她去巴厘岛旅行时吃过当地出名的烤鸡Ayam Betutu,听名字感觉很好吃的样子。家里的食谱书里有一个烤鸭Bebek Betutu的做法,不过一看到食谱就吓了一跳,要烤4至5个小时,我在想我的烤箱可以耐烤这么久吗?上网查看了一些食谱,发现如果用鸡的话烤的时间大多数是1小时多至二小时,所以我用回那个食谱,然后把鸭换成鸡,做成Ayam Betutu。





终于买到了印尼虾酱Terasi Udang,

巴厘岛蕉叶烤鸡 Bali Baked Spices Chicken in Banana Leaves Wraps | Ayam Betutu

(食谱参考The food and cooking of Indonesia & the Philippines, pg.132,做少许更改)

全鸡 1只 (重约1.8公斤)**
香蕉叶 1大片
铝箔纸 1大片
盐 适量
黑胡椒 适量

小葱头 8粒
蒜头 4瓣
红辣椒 4条
姜 25克
黄姜 50克(或以1 1/2汤匙的黄姜粉代替)
香茅 2支
疯柑叶 4叶 [Kaffir Lime Leaves]
石古仔 4粒 [Candlenuts]
芫茜籽 2茶匙 [Coriander seeds]
印尼虾酱 1汤匙 [印尼语: Terasi Udang]
清水 1-2汤匙

1. 将所有香料的材料,除了印尼虾酱和清水以外,全部放入食物处理器里,搅拌至幼滑,然后再加入印尼虾酱和清水,搅拌成浓稠的糊状。

2. 把烤炉预热至160°C。将鸡的内外洗干净抹干,把香料糊均匀地抹在在鸡的表面和内腔,然后再撒上盐和黑胡椒调味。将香蕉叶抹干净摊平,把鸡放在中央,把两则的香蕉叶包起来,用绳子固定。(如果没有香蕉叶可以用铝箔纸来包裹,为了防止烧焦,包好香蕉叶后我再包多一层铝箔纸。

3. 把鸡放入烤箱里烤大约2小时,然后将鸡朝上的那部份铝箔纸和香蕉叶打开,将烤炉调至180°C让鸡继续烤大约30至45分钟或直到表面烤到金黄色为止。***

**原食谱里是用鸭,食谱名称Bebek Betutu,我改用鸡。

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest: Indonesia, hosted by Alice from I Love. I Cook. I Bake.     

Updated on 25.03.14:
As some of the readers can't read mandarin and as per requested by one of the reader, here is the English version of the recipe.

Bali Baked Spices Chicken in Banana Leaves Wraps | Ayam Betutu
( Recipe adapted from The food and cooking of Indonesia & the Philippines, pg.132, with some minor changes )

Ingredients :
1 whole chicken ( weighing about 1.8 kg ) **
1 large banana leaves
1 large aluminum foil
Salt to taste
Black pepper to taste

Spices paste :
8 shallots
4 cloves garlic
4 chillies (seeded)
25g ginger
50g turmeric or 1 1/2tbsp turmeric powder
2 lemon grass stalks
4 kaffir lime leaves
4 candlenuts
2 tsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp Indonesian shrimp paste [ Indonesian : Terasi Udang]
1-2 tbsp water

1. Using a food processor, grind all spices paste ingredients,except the Indonesian shrimp paste and water, together to form a smooth paste. Add the Indonesian shrimp paste and water and mix together until the mixture resembles a thick paste .

2. Preheat the oven to 160°C. Rub the spice paste all over the chicken, inside and out, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place the chicken in the center of the banana leaf and secure with string. Place the parcel in roasting pan. (If you can't get banana leaves, you can use aluminium foil instead. To avoid burning, I wrap the banana leaves parcel with an extra piece of aluminium foil)

3.Roast the chicken in the oven for about 2 hours, and then open the parcel to reveal the top of the chicken, and roast for a further 30-45 minutes at 180°C to brown the skin.


  1. Do uhave the English version? Thanks

    1. Yup, the original recipe is in english, I'll update later if time permitted. Glad that you like this dish and thanks for stopping by.

    2. Hi Vina, I have already updated the post with the English version recipe.
