Monday 31 March 2014

泰式蒸红咖哩海鲜 Thai Curry Seafood Custard | Hor Mok Talay

之前只用来煮泰式蒸红咖哩鱼咖哩鱼蛋猪皮萝卜的红咖哩酱还有蛮多的,不想收太多的酱料在冰箱,所以我就照了之前泰式蒸红咖哩鱼的做法,把鱼块换成海鲜,做成泰式蒸红咖哩海鲜 Hor Mok Talay。这次懒得折香蕉叶盒子的我就干脆在蒸盘上铺上一片香蕉叶,直接将咖哩鱼胶倒入,方便又快捷!比上次加了多一点的椰浆,蒸好后的咖哩海鲜就比较软些,没上次那么结实。照片中的蒸盘是刚败回来的,寻找小宝贝玩具时无意间看到的(玩具部和厨房用具在同一楼)。刚好有一部份的碗碟烤盘大减价,80%这个诱惑实在太大了,令我控制不了扫了几个碟子和烤盘回家,其实我想扫完全部不同款式的碟,可是家里的橱柜空间有限,老公又在那里盯着,所以就罢了!

泰式蒸红咖哩海鲜 Thai Curry Seafood Custard | Hor Mok Talay

鱼肉 250克(切小块)
虾仁 100克(去肠泥)
墨鱼 200克(洗净切圈)
泰式红咖喱酱 4汤匙
鸡蛋 2粒
椰浆 300毫升(冷藏)
鱼露 1汤匙
疯柑叶 6叶(切幼丝)
红辣椒 1条(切幼丝)

粘米粉 1汤匙

1. 将香蕉叶铺于蒸盘里,备用。将鱼肉块,红咖哩酱,鸡蛋,和鱼露放入食物搅拌器内,搅拌成糊状。

2. 加入冷椰浆和一大部份的红辣椒和青柠叶丝(只留少许作装饰用),再次搅拌直到均匀为止。

3. 将混合物倒入蒸盘里,然后加入墨鱼和虾仁混合均匀,放入水已经煮滚得蒸锅里,以高火蒸大约20分钟或至完全熟透。


Thai Curry Seafood Custard | Hor Mok Talay

250g fish fillet (cut into bite size)
100g shelled prawns (deveined)
200g cuttlefish (clean and cut into rings)
4 tbsp Thai red curry paste
2 eggs
300ml coconut milk (chilled)
1 tbsp fish sauce
6 kaffir lime leaves (thinly sliced)
1 red chilli (thinly sliced)
Banana leaves

100ml coconut milk
1tbsp rice flour

1. Line the steaming plate with banana leaves. Place fish pieces, red curry paste, egg and fish sauce into a blender, blend until become a smooth paste.

2. Add the chilled coconut milk and the majority of the red chilli and kaffir lime leaves (save some for the topping), blend the mixture until incorporated.

3. Pour the mixture to the steaming plate, then add the squid and prawns, mix well. Steam the seafood custard at high heat for about 20 mins or until the custard is cooked.

4. Mix 100 ml of coconut milk with 1 tbsp of rice flour in a small bowl and stir until there are no lumps. Pour the mixture to a small pot, turn on the heat and cook at low heat till the mixture is thickened. Pour the thickened coconut milk on top of the seafood custard and sprinkle with the thinly sliced kaffir lime leaves and red chillies.

I am submitting this post to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by Moon from Food playground at this post.


  1. 看到就觉得饿了。。。

  2. Hi Violet,

    The colour of your creamy Thai dish reminds me of otak otak... but in a nice creamy saucy form... It looks very delicious!!! slurp! slurp!

