Friday 28 March 2014

印尼香料炸鸡 Indonesian Fried Chicken with Crunchy Flakes | Ayam Goreng Kremes







鸡 1只(重约1.3公斤,切成8块)
青柠 2粒(榨汁)
盐 1/2汤匙
清水 900毫升

蒜头 15瓣
小葱头 15粒
石古仔 9粒
芫茜籽 3汤匙(烤香)

香脆面糊 :
炸蒜头 6汤匙
鸡汤 325毫升(以香料煮鸡所剩的汤)
清水 325毫升
鸡蛋 1粒(打散)
粘米粉 2/3杯
盐 1茶匙
白胡椒粉 1茶匙

1. 将香料的材料放入食物处理器里搅拌成糊状,备用。

2. 在一个锅里,放入鸡肉,青柠汁,盐,香料糊和清水,以中火煮约20-30分钟,或直至液体剩下约325毫升左右。

3. 将鸡从锅里取出,沥干水份,然后放入油锅里炸至金黄色。

4. 香脆面糊 :将炸蒜头磨碎,与粘米粉,白胡椒粉和盐混合均匀。在一个大碗里,倒入鸡汤,清水和打散的鸡蛋,拌匀,然后再加入粉类搅拌均匀。烧热油锅,用勺子勺入面糊,炸至金黄色后用筛捞出,放在厨房纸巾上吸取多余的油份。每次只放入一勺的面糊,一直重复此步骤,直到用完所有面糊为止。

5. 将炸鸡与香脆面糊一起呈碟,伴与爪哇叁峇虾酱叁峇和蔬菜(生的或烫熟)一起食用。

Indonesian Fried Chicken with Crunchy Flakes | Ayam Goreng Kremes

(Recipe adapted from Indonesiaeats, with some minor changes)

1 whole chicken (about 1.3kg, cut into 8 pieces and wash thoroughly)
2 lime
1/2 tbsp salt
900ml water

Spices paste:
15 cloves garlic
15 shallots
9 candlenuts
3 tbsp toasted coriander seeds

For Kremes (Crunchy Flakes):
6 tablespoons fried garlic ready to use
325 ml chicken broth (a leftover from boiling chicken with spices)
325 ml water
1 egg (beaten)
2/3 cup rice flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground white pepper

1. Using a food processor, grind all spices paste ingredients together to form a paste.

2. In a pot, combine chicken pieces, freshly squeezed key lime juice, spice paste, salt and water. Cook over medium heat about 20-30 minutes or until the liquid is about 325ml left.

3. Remove chicken from the pot, drain any excess liquid and deep fry until golden brown on each side.

4. Kremes (Crunchy Flakes) : Grind the fried garlic, then combine it with rice flour, ground white pepper and salt. In a big bowl, add leftover chicken broth, water and beaten egg; whisk. Add rice flour mixtures in to a chicken broth mixture and whisk. Using a ladle, add one ladle of kremes mixture into a fryer or wok and fry the kremes over high heat. Remove from fryer with a strainer and place on a kitchen paper towel to absorb the oil. Only do one ladle each time and repeat this step until all kremes mixture is used up.

5. Serve fried chicken over kremes with sides of sambal bajak (Javanese sambal) or sambal terasi and raw or blanched/boiled vegetables.

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest: Indonesia, hosted by Alice from I Love. I Cook. I Bake.     


  1. 我家也是很少炸鸡的,一来要有比价多的有,二来又要洗洗抹抹,另一方面我热底子,所以少吃。。。不过你家的炸鸡确实很诱人,忍不住想给咬下去!

    1. 我很喜欢里面的香脆面糊,得空你也试一试吧!
