Wednesday 16 October 2013

日式猪肉咖喱盖饭 (ポークカレー丼ぶり) Pork Curry Donburi




日式猪肉咖喱盖饭 (ポークカレー丼ぶり) Pork Curry Donburi
(Recipe adapted from Just One Cookbook)

Ingredients 材料:
2 cup dashi stock 高汤 2杯
1 medium onion, sliced 中型洋葱 1个 (切片)
1/2 lb.(226g) thinly-sliced pork belly, cut into 1 inch pieces 五花腩薄片 226克(切成1寸阔)
2 cubes Japanese curry roux 日本咖哩块 2块
1 Tbsp. soy sauce 酱油 1汤匙
1 green onions, chopped 青葱 1棵(切粒)

Instructions 做法:
1. In a large non-stick frying pan, heat oil on medium high heat and sauté onion. 在一个大的不粘煎锅里加入油,烧热,加入洋葱拌炒。

2. When onion is getting soft, add the meat and cook on medium high heat until no longer pink. 当洋葱炒至软后加入猪肉片,以中高火炒至猪肉颜色由粉红转至白。

3. Add dashi stock and bring to a boil. Skim off scum and fat from soup, and turn down to medium low. 加入高汤煮滚,要不时将浮在汤表面的杂质撇掉,然后转至中小火继续煮。

4. Add Japanese curry roux and mix until completely dissolved. 加入日本咖哩块搅拌至完全溶化。

5. When the soup start to thicken, add soy sauce and mix well.  当咖哩开始变得浓稠,加入酱油拌匀。

6. In a serving bowl/plate, put rice and pour the curry. Garnish with green onions. Serve immediately. 在一个碗或碟里装入白米饭,淋上咖喱。撒上少许青葱,即可食用。

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest #1 Oct 2013 : Japan, hosted by Alan from travelling-foodies.

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