Wednesday 16 October 2013

昆布柴鱼高汤 Kombu Katsuobushi Dashi

日本高汤Dashi (出汁, だし)是日本料理里的基础,常用于不同的料理中,如味噌汤,面食的汤底,或一些煮物的料理。最常见的高汤是昆布鲣鱼高汤(Kombu and Katsuo Dashi),此外也有用小沙丁鱼(Niboshi),昆布(Kombu)和干香菇(Dried Shitake)来煮的高汤(做法可参考这里)。日本高汤里的鲜味(うま味,旨味 Umami)是原自于煮高汤的食材,海带,柴鱼和小沙丁鱼这些来自于大海的食材都含有丰富的鲜味。



之前从KLCC Isetan北海道食品展买回来的昆布,



昆布柴鱼高汤 Kombu Katsuobushi Dashi
(Recipe adapted from Just One Cookbook)

Yield: Makes 3 1/2 cups

Ingredients 材料:
20g dashi kombu 昆布20克
30g loosely packed bonito flakes (Hana Katsuo or Katsuobushi) 散包装的柴鱼片 30克
8 cups / 2000 ml water 清水 8杯 / 2000公升

Instructions 做法:

1.Gently clean the dashi kombu with a damp cloth but leave the white powdery substances which contribute to the umami flavor in dashi. Do not wash the kombu! 用湿布轻轻地拭擦昆布,但要保留昆布表面的白色粉末状物质,因为它是高汤中鲜味的来源。千萬不要冲洗昆布!

2. Make a couple of slits on the kombu. 在昆布剪些切口。

3. In a medium pot, put the kombu and water. If you have time, soak for 3 hours or up to half day. Kombu’s flavor comes out naturally from soaking in water. If you don’t have time, skip this process. 将昆布和清水放入一个中型的锅里,如时间应许,将昆布浸泡3小时或至半天。昆布的味道会在水中自然地散发出来。如果时间不应许的话可以选择跳过这个步骤。

4. Heat up the pot slowly on medium low heat. It will take 20-25 minutes to a boil. Meanwhile, clean the dashi by skimming the surface. (I use 2 litre of water so it takes me about 40 mins to boil) 将锅以中小火加热,大约须要20至25分钟的时间水才会烧开。在这期间,要不时将表面的杂质或泡泡撇去。(我的水量是2公升,所以须要大约40分钟)

5. Just before the dashi starts boiling (you will see bubbles on the bottom of the pan), remove the kombu and keep it for "Niban Dashi" . If you leave the kombu inside, the dashi will become slimy and bitter. 在高汤还未开始沸腾前(锅底会冒些气泡),将昆布取出,可保留来煮第二遍的高汤。如果将昆布留在高汤里的话会让高汤变得粘糊而且会有苦涩味。

6. Either turn off the heat or add a little bit of water to let the dashi cool down a bit. 将火熄掉或加些清水让高汤稍微冷却些。

7. Add bonito flakes in the dashi and bring it to a boil again. Continue skimming. 把柴鱼片加入高汤里,开火加热至煮滚,在这期间,也是一样要不时将表面的杂质或泡泡撇去。

8. Once the dashi is boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 30 seconds (not minutes!). Continue skimming and then turn off the heat. 当高汤一开始滚立即转至小火,再煮30秒(不是30分钟! ) 。继续将表面的杂质或泡泡撇去,然后熄火。

9. Let the bonito flakes sink to the bottom, about 10 minutes. 让柴鱼片沉淀到锅底,大约须10分钟的时间。

10. Line the sieve with paper towel (cheese cloth/linen cloth) and set over a large bowl. Strain the dashi through the sieve. 在筛上铺些纸巾,放在一个大碗里,将高汤倒入过滤取汤汁。

11. Gently twist and squeeze the paper towel to release the extra dashi into the bowl. Keep bonito flakes for "Niban Dashi". 轻轻地挤压挤纸巾,以释放多余的汤汁倒入碗中。可保留煮过的柴鱼片来做第二遍的高汤。

12. If you are not using the dashi right away, save it in a bottle and keep in the refrigerator for 3-7 days or in the freezer for 3 weeks. 如果没有马上使用高汤,可将高汤装入瓶子里,放入冰箱保存可耐3至7天,如放在冰格里冷冻则可耐3个星期。

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest #1 Oct 2013 : Japan, hosted by Alan from travelling-foodies.

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