Monday 20 July 2015

印度香料茶拿铁 Chai Latte


印度香料茶拿铁的做法和传统的玛萨拉香料奶茶有一些不一样,之前曾煮了好几次玛萨拉香料奶茶,可是都未能达到自己满意的味道,所以就换了个食谱。这个食谱多数是用香料粉,所以香料味道会比较浓些,比较合我心意。香料茶的底茶通常用味道较浓烈的红茶,如阿萨姆红茶Assam,不过刚好没买到所以就用大吉岭红茶Darjeeling Tea来煮茶。今天的午餐就是一杯印度香料茶拿铁再加上比利时窝夫和一些新鲜的草莓,简单可是却很有满足感。


(食谱参考Live Simply,做少许更改)

水 2杯
大吉岭红茶叶 2汤匙
小豆蔻 8个
丁香 2个
肉桂粉 1茶匙
姜粉 1/2茶匙
肉豆蔻粉 1/2茶匙
多香果粉 1/8茶匙
有机原蔗糖 2汤匙

以上印度香料茶 1/2杯
牛奶 3/4杯
有机原蔗糖 1汤匙
肉桂粉 少许

1. 在一个小锅里加入水及香料煮至滚,熄火然后让香料浸泡在水里5分钟。
2. 5分钟过后开火,然后加入茶叶及糖,煮至微滚即可熄火(此目的是为了让水的温度够热来浸泡茶叶)。让茶叶在水里浸泡5分钟,然后将茶过滤。保留半杯茶来准备拿铁,其他的香料茶可收入冰箱长达2星期。

1. 将牛奶、糖及少许肉桂粉放入一个小锅里加热至微滚,然后熄火。
2. 以奶泡器将牛奶搅拌大约45秒直到形成奶泡。
3. 把1/2杯印度香料茶加入杯中,然后将热奶和奶泡倒入。撒上少许肉桂粉,乘热享用!

Chai Latte

(Recipe adapted from Live Simply, with some adjustments)

Chai Tea:
2 cups water
2 tbsp Darjeeling tea leaves
8 cardamom pods
2 whole cloves
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp ground allspice
2 tbsp organic raw cane sugar

1/2 cup chai tea (recipe above)
3/4 cup milk
1 tbsp organic raw cane sugar
pinch of ground cinnamon

Chai tea:
1. In a saucepan, bring the water and spices to a boil. Whisk the spices in the water. Once the water reaches a boil, turn off the heat and allow the spices to steep in the water for 5 minutes.
2. After 5 minutes, turn the heat back on and add the tea leaves and sugar. Return to a slight boil (the goal is a hot liquid for steeping). Once boiling, turn off the heat. Allow the tea bags to steep in the water and spices for 5 minutes. Strain the tea through a fine mesh sieve. Reserve 1/2 cup of chai tea for the latte. Store the rest of the chai tea in the fridge up to two weeks for freshness.

Chai latte:
1. In a saucepan,  add milk, sugar and pinch of cinnamon, heat the milk till slight boil. Turn off the heat.
2. Using a milk frother, froth the milk for about 45 seconds until foamy.
3. Pour 1/2 cup of chai tea in a mug, then slowly pour the hot milk and foam into the mug. Sprinkle with some ground cinnamon and serve hot.

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (July 2015 Event: Tea) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Cheryl of Baking Taitai.


  1. Hi Violet,

    I would love to sip a cup of this lovely tea... It looks very nice and relaxing.

