Saturday 4 April 2015

香辣鸡肉锅仔面 Braised Yee Mee with Spicy Chicken in Mini Wok



香辣鸡肉锅仔面 + 竹蔗马蹄凉水


伊面 4个
清水 2 公升
姜 2寸(切片)
蒜茸 2汤匙
菜心 4棵(切段,烫熟)
鸡全腿 3个(切块)
香菇 8朵(浸泡至软)
鸡蛋 4颗

老抽 3汤匙
酱油 2汤匙
蚝油 3汤匙
绍兴花雕酒 3汤匙
胡椒粉 1/2茶匙
麻油 1汤匙

粟粉 10汤匙
水 1杯

1. 在锅里放入3汤匙的油烧热,将姜片,蒜茸和干辣椒爆香。将鸡肉和香菇放入锅里炒大约2-3分钟。加入清水和调味料煮至滚,然后转中小火加盖焖15分钟,焖好后加入芡汁煮至浓稠即可。

2. 以中火烧热一个锅仔,放入伊面和适量的焖鸡肉、香菇及酱汁,敲入一粒鸡蛋,煮至自己喜欢的熟度即可。加入烫好的菜心,乘热食用。


Braised Yee Mee with Spicy Chicken in Mini Wok

4 blocks of Yee Mee
2 litres water
10 dried chillies, cut into sections and soaked till soften
2 inches ginger, sliced
2 tbsp minced garlic
4 stalks Choy Sum, cut into sections and blanched
3 chicken whole legs, cut into pieces
8 dried mushrooms, rinsed and soaked until softened
4 eggs

3 tbsp dark soy sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
3 tbsp oyster sauce
3 tbsp Shao Xing wine
1/2 tsp white pepper powder
1 tbsp sesame oil

For thickening:
10 tbsp cornstarch
1 cup water
(Combine and stir until no lumps remain)

1. Heat 3 tbsp oil in a pot. Add ginger, garlic and dried chilli, saute till fragrant. Then add chicken and mushroom, stir fry for about 2-3 minute. Add water and seasoning. Bring to a boil then cover with lid and cook over medium low heat for 15 minutes. Pour in the cornstarch slurry, stir well and cook until the gravy is thicken.

2. To serve: Heat a mini wok over medium heat, add yee mee, braised chicken, mushrooms and gravy. Crack an egg in the center and simmer till the egg is cooked to your liking. Add blanched Choy Sum and serve immediately.

Servings: 4

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (April 2015 Event: Chicken) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Diana of The Domestic Goddess Wannabe.


  1. 这伊面我也好喜欢吃,看到我口水正打滚着。。

  2. This is one of my favourite dishes in the world!!!! Totally love this!
