Wednesday 30 March 2016

年糕卷 Spring Roll Nian Gao (空气炸锅版 / Air Fryer Version)

早前回娘家时妈妈给了我些年糕,我收在冰箱都几个星期了,直到现在才得空用这些年糕做糕点。我很喜欢吃炸番薯芋头年糕,不过传统的方式是裹上面糊用来油炸,虽然好吃,不过却很油腻。之前bookmark了Peng's Kitchen的年糕卷食谱,一看到照片时就被那一深一浅的紫色给吸引着。年糕卷是以春卷皮包着淡紫色的芋头和深紫色的紫薯,而最中间那一层就是年糕。我将包好的年糕卷涂上一层椰子油才放入用空气炸锅里炸,炸好的年糕卷非常香,而且不会油腻。年糕卷的外皮炸金黄香脆,芋头泥和紫薯泥的内馅香甜软绵,而年糕则香滑软Q,吃起来的口感丰富。这年糕卷可以准备多一些收入冰箱里冷冻,想吃时拿出来解冻,然后放入空气炸锅里炸就可以了,非常方便。

年糕卷 Spring Roll Nian Gao 

(食谱参考Peng's Kitchen,做少许更改)

年糕 300克(切2寸长段)
芋头 300克
紫番薯 300克
新鲜椰丝 50克
蜂蜜 3汤匙
盐 1/4茶匙
有机纯椰子油 2汤匙
春卷皮 适量
粟粉水 适量

1. 将芋头和紫番薯切片,蒸至软,然后趁热压烂。

2. 把1汤匙蜂蜜、1汤匙椰子油、新鲜椰丝和盐加入芋泥里,搅拌至均匀。把2汤匙蜂蜜和1汤匙椰子油加入番薯泥里,搅拌至均匀。

3. 取一张春卷皮,放入1汤匙芋泥和1汤匙紫薯泥,然后攤平,放入一条年糕。将春卷皮卷起,用粟粉水封口。

4. 把空气炸锅预热至180°C。以椰子油涂抹于年糕卷表面,然后把年糕卷排放在空气炸锅的烤盘里,炸大约10分钟。将温度提高至200°C,继续炸多3分钟或至香脆及呈金黄色即可。盛出,乘热享用!



Spring Roll Nian Gao

(Recipe adapted from Peng's Kitchen, with some adjustments)

300 g Nian Gao (sticky rice cake), cut into 2" long strips
300 g taro
300 g purple sweet potato
50 g fresh grated coconut
3 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp organic extra virgin coconut oil
Spring roll wrappers
Cornstarch water to seal spring roll

1. Slice taro & sweet potato and steam them until soft. Mash taro and sweet potato while its still hot.

2. Add 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp coconut oil , grated coconut and salt to the mashed taro and mix till well combined. Add 2 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp coconut oil to the mashed sweet potato and mix till well combined.

3. Place wrapper onto a flat surface. Place a tbsp of taro filling and a tbsp of sweet potato onto wrapper, lightly spread it out. Place 1 piece of nian gao over and wrap. Brush edges with cornstarch water before rolling up.

4. Preheat air fryer to 180°C. Brush some coconut oil on spring roll, then arrange them on the air fryer grill pan. Air fry the spring roll nian gao for 10 minutes. Then increase the temperature to 200°C, continue to air fry for about 3 minutes or until the spring rolls are crispy and golden brown. Dish out and serve warm.

*The time of frying is depending on the size of the spring roll nian gao, please adjust accordingly.

Yields: 21 rolls

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Mac 2016 : Honey) organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen from My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Joyce from Joy N' Escapade.


  1. 想请问您家是用什么牌子的air fryer?

  2. 如果不放椰丝,味道会有差吗?椰丝一定要采用新鲜的是吗?
