Tuesday 27 October 2015

番薯蛋 Sweet Potato Balls (空气炸锅版 / Air Fryer Version)

一看到MiMi Bakery的番薯蛋时心里就在想我一定要尝试这食谱,刚好家里买了一包Cilembu蜜糖番薯,又甜又绵密,我想拿来做番薯蛋应该会很最适合吧!蜜糖番薯再加上新鲜椰丝,做出来的番薯蛋十分好吃。以前做年糕番薯丸时曾经试过用空气炸锅来炸,这次我也是用同样的方法来炸番薯蛋,不过在炸之前我在番薯蛋表面搽些椰子油,这样炸出来的番薯蛋会更香。

这次准备番薯蛋时我让小宝贝参与其中,小宝贝时常玩Play Dough,所以搓番薯蛋的面团一点也难不倒她,不过搓着搓着,结果番薯蛋都被小宝贝压扁成番薯饼。做好后我们将这些番薯饼煎来吃,想不到用椰子油煎的蕃薯饼特别香,外脆内软。小宝贝对自己动手的蕃薯饼特别有兴趣,几个小蕃薯饼一下子就吃完了,而且吃得很开心。


(食谱参考MiMi Bakery House,做少许更改)

番薯 500克(蒸熟压烂,我用Cilembu蜜糖番薯)
糯米粉 200克或更多
有机原蔗糖 180克
新鲜椰丝 150克

1. 将番薯蒸至软,乘热压烂。
2. 将番薯泥和其他材料混合,揉成面团。
3. 以1汤匙的量匙勺出番薯面团,搓成球状,一直重复做法直到用完所有面团。
4. 把空气炸锅预热至170°C。以椰子油涂抹于番薯蛋表面,然后把番薯蛋排放在空气炸锅的烤盘里,炸大约10分钟或至香脆及呈金黄色即可。盛出,乘热享用!


Sweet Potato Balls

(Recipe adapted from MiMi Bakery House, with some adjustments)

500 g sweet potato, steamed & mashed (I used Cilembu Honey Sweet Potato)
200 g glutinous rice flour, or more
180 g organic raw cane sugar
150 g fresh grated coconut

1. Steam the sweet potato until soft, mashed it while it's still hot.
2. Add the mashed sweet potato into the rest of the ingredients and knead into a dough.
3. Using a tablespoon to scoop out a dough and roll into a roll ball. Repeat the process until the dough is used up.
4. Preheat air fryer to 170°C. Coat the sweet potato balls with coconut oil, then arrange the sweet potato balls on the air fryer grill pan. Air fry the sweet potato balls for 10 minutes or until crispy and golden brown. Dish out and serve warm.

*The time of frying is depending on the size of the sweet potato balls, please adjust accordingly.

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Oct 2015 : Coconut) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Jess from Bakericious.


  1. I have bookmarked this as well, now seeing you used air fryer to fry making me even more tempting.

  2. 如果用木薯粉可以吗?
