Thursday 29 October 2015

万圣夜怪异眼球果冻 Spooky Halloween Eyeball Jelly




水晶蒟蒻果冻粉 5克(Jim-Willie牌子)
糖 60克
椰漿 200毫升
冷水 225毫升
水 30毫升
蓝花 / 蝶豆花 10朵

玉米糖漿 适量
红色素 数滴

1. 将一片约3mm厚度的仙草冻放在占板上,以吸水管切割出小圆形,然后排在球状冰块模内作为“瞳孔”。

2. 将30毫升的水和10朵蓝花放入一个小碗里,放入微波炉里加热1分钟。把蓝花汁过滤备用。

3. 在一个碗里混合水晶蒟蒻果冻粉和糖。把冷水、水晶蒟蒻果冻粉和糖放入一个小锅里,搅拌至均匀,然后开中火加热,煮至水晶蒟蒻果冻粉和糖完全溶化。将果冻液煮滚,然后调至小火。

4. 把25毫升的果冻液倒入一个小碗里,与蓝花汁混合均匀。以1/4茶匙的量匙将蓝花果冻液勺入冰块模,作为“虹膜”。把冰块模放入冰箱冷冻库里2-3分钟至果冻凝固,但不要放至冷冻。

5. 把椰浆加入果冻液里,搅拌均匀,然后煮至滚即可熄火。将椰浆果冻液过滤,然后倒入冰块模里,收入冰箱冷藏至凝固。

6. 将玉米糖漿与红色素混合均匀,做成“假血”。把眼球果冻脱模,放入玻璃杯中,以“假血”装饰即可享用。


Spooky Halloween Eyeball Jelly

Eyeball Jelly:
5 g Konnyaku jelly powder (Jim-Willie brand )
60 g sugar
200 ml coconut milk
225 ml cold water
30 ml water
10 blue pea flowers

For the "Blood":
Some corn syrup
Few drops of red colouring

1. Place a slice of grass jelly (about 3mm in thickness) on cutting board, use a straw to cut out small round shape as the "Pupil". Then place the "Pupil" ball shaped ice cubes trays.

2. Place 30ml water and 10 blue pea flowers in a small bowl, microwave for 1 minute,. Strain the blue pea flower juice and set aside until ready to use.

3. Mix Konnyaku jelly powder and sugar in a bowl. In a saucepan, add 225ml cold water and jelly powder-sugar mixture, stir until well combine. Turn on the heat and cook the mixture over medium heat, stir until the jelly powder and sugar fully dissolved. Bring the jelly mixture to boil, then turn to low heat.

4. Pour 25ml jelly mixture into a small bowl, mix well with blue pea flower juice. Use a 1/4 teaspoon to spoon the blue color mixture into ice cubes trays to make "Iris". Place the ice cubes trays into freezer for 2-3minutes to let the jelly set but not frozen

5. Add coconut milk to the jelly mixture, stir well and bring to boil, turn off the heat. Strain the coconut jelly mixture and pour into the ice cubes trays and chill it in refrigerator until set.

6. To make "blood", mix corn syrup with few drops of red colouring, stir until well combine. Unmould the eyeball jellies, place the jellies in glasses, garnish with some "blood" and the eye balls are ready to serve.

Yields; 28 eyeballs (2 ball shaped ice cubes trays)

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Oct 2015 : Coconut) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Jess from Bakericious.


  1. So creative, thanks your sharing, I will try it

  2. 好特别!请问蝶豆花和jelly模型哪里可以买到呢?
