Friday 16 October 2015

椰香海鲜冬荫汤 Seafood Tom Yum with Coconut



椰子是在Aeon 买的,现点现开,


老虎虾 8只(去肠泥,保留虾壳及尾部)
墨鱼 350克(去内脏,洗净,切圈)
香茅 4支(斜切片)
南姜 5片
疯柑叶 6叶(撕半)
灰蚝菇 150克
金针菇 150克
嫩粟米 100克
朝天椒 3个(稍微拍一拍)
鱼露 1/3杯或适量
青柠汁 1/3杯或适量
泰式辣椒酱 3汤匙或适量
新鲜椰浆 1杯
新鲜嫩椰子 1粒(取椰肉及椰水,椰子保留下来当做盅,椰水大约1 1/2杯)
虾高汤 5杯
芫茜 适量


1. 将椰水和虾高汤倒入汤锅里,以大火煮至滚,然后调至小火,加入香茅,南姜和疯柑叶煮15分钟至香味出。然后再拌入泰式辣椒酱,加入指天椒和以鱼露调味。

2. 调至中火,加入金针菇、灰蚝菇和嫩玉米,煮2-3分钟。把虾和墨鱼加入,继续大约煮1分钟。倒入椰浆,煮至滚。熄火,倒入青柠汁和加入椰肉,搅拌均匀即可。盛在碗里,撒上芫茜,伴与白饭,乘热享用。

Seafood Tom Yum with Coconut 

8 tiger prawn, cleaned, deveined and trimmed, keep the shells and tail intact
350 g squids, cleaned and cut into rings
4 stalks lemongrass, sliced diagonally
5 slices fresh galangal
6 kaffir lime leaves, torn into pieces
150g grey abalone mushroom
150g enoki mushrooms, ends trimmed
100g baby corns
3 fresh red bird’s eye chilies, crushed
1/3 cup fish sauce, or to taste
1/3 cup fresh lime juice, or to taste
3 tbsp Nam Prik Pao, or to taste
1 cup fresh coconut milk
1 fresh young coconut, pour out the coconut juice and scoop out the flesh, reserve the shell for later use (about 1 1/2 cup coconut juice)
5 cups prawn stock
Cilantro leaves, for garnishing

1. Pour the coconut juice and prawn stock into a pot, bring the stock to boil. Turn to low heat, add lemongrass, galangal, and kaffir lime leaves, simmer for 15 minutes until fragrant. Then stir in the Nam Prik Pao, add the bird’s eye chilies and season with fish sauce.

2. Turn to medium heat, add enoki mushrooms, grey abalone mushroom and baby corns, cook for 2-3 minutes. Add prawns and squid, cook for about 1 minute. Add coconut milk and cook till boil. Turn off the heat, add in the lime juice and coconut flesh. Stir to combine well. Transfer to serving bowls. Garnish with some cilantro leaves. Serve immediately with steamed rice.

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Oct 2015 : Coconut) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Jess from Bakericious.


  1. Violet, this is my favourite Thai food, a must order for me if go Thai restaurant, yum yum!
