Monday 14 September 2015

美禄三明治 Milo Sandwiches

美禄除了可以拿来准备不同的饮料外原来还可以拿来做三明治,看到了Roti n Rice的食谱让我很想试。美禄三明治的味道是一甜一咸的,甜的是加了甜炼奶的,而咸的是加了牛油的。美禄三明治再加上咖啡美禄就成了我今天的简单午餐。


(食谱参考Roti n Rice)

白面包 4片
牛油 1汤匙
炼奶 2茶匙
美禄粉 2汤匙

1. 在两片面包上抹上牛油,而另两片则抹上炼奶。

2. 撒上一汤匙的美禄粉在其中一片抹上牛油的面包上,然后再把另一片抹上牛油的面包盖上。抹上炼奶的面包也是同样的做法。

3. 用利刀把面包边切掉,然后将三明治切半成长方形即可享用。

Milo Sandwiches

(Recipe adapted from Roti n Rice)

4 slices of white bread
1 tbsp butter
2 tsp sweetened condensed milk
2 tbsp Milo powder

1. Butter the 2 slices of bread and spread sweetened condensed milk on the remaining 2 slices.

2. Spread a tablespoon of Milo on 1 slice of buttered bread. Sandwich with the other slice of buttered bread. Repeat with bread spread with condensed milk.

3. Slice off the crust on all sided with a very sharp knife. Cut the sandwich into half to form rectangles. Serve immediately.

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Sep 2015 : Milo) organised and hosted by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Violet,

    What a fantastic idea to enjoy Milo! These Milo sandwiches are so simple to make and so delicious to eat!

