Thursday 6 August 2015

可爱小熊糖蜜芝士蛋糕 Beary Cute Baked Molasses Cheesecake

上周末整理冰箱时发现早前买的那块奶油芝士就快过期了,不想浪费所以就赶紧动工烘蛋糕。原本这块奶油芝士就是要买来做可爱小熊芝士蛋糕的,不过食谱里的那个Ritz Bits饼干我一直买不到,最接近找到的也是迷你Oreo饼干。那个迷你Oreo饼干的内馅时巧克力口味的,如果要拿来做小熊的鼻子部位又好像很怪,所以我才一直拖,没去烘蛋糕,不过这次真的不能再拖了,唯有想办法解决这个问题。如果做成巧克力口味的芝士蛋糕,小熊脸的颜色就会变成褐色,和迷你Oreo饼干的内馅颜色接近,不过我却不想要让小宝贝吃太多巧克力,所以才没用选用巧克力。过后偶然发现家里好有一包收藏已久的高级纯糖蜜,颜色很深很黑,比一般的糖蜜颜色还要黑,过后我就想倒不如用这糖蜜来代替食谱里白糖,把小白熊变成小褐熊。结果出来的效果很不错,颜色不会太深,而且不会太甜,吃起来还有一股糖蜜的特殊香味。



(食谱参考Angela Chia,做少许更改)

奶油芝士 250克(切小块,放在室温至软化)
高级纯糖蜜 80克
Oreo饼干 9片(把3片分开,去掉内馅,另外6片保持完整)
鸡蛋 1粒
香草香精 1/2茶匙

巧克力口味迷你Oreo饼干 9片(把全部饼干分开,只有6片保留内馅,其他的将内馅去掉)
巧克力粒 18粒

1. 把1片完整的Oreo饼干和1/2片没内馅的Oreo饼干放入纸托里,备用。

2. 将奶油芝士和糖蜜搅拌至均匀,然后加入鸡蛋和香草香精继续搅拌至均匀即可。*不可搅拌过度以避免拌入太多的空气,不然在烤的时候蛋糕很容易裂。

3. 均匀地将奶油芝士馅放入6个纸托里,如以上的照片装饰蛋糕。把蛋糕放入预热的烤箱以150°C烤20分钟。**如果蛋糕在烤的过程中裂开不必担心,冷却后蛋糕的裂痕会消失,就算没消失裂痕看起来也不会太明显。

4. 把烤好的芝士蛋糕放在室温冷却,然后收入冰箱里冷藏至少4小时或至隔夜。


Beary Cute Baked Molasses Cheesecake

(Recipe adapted from Angela Chia, with some adjustments)

250 g cream cheese, cubed and softened
80 g premium molasses sugar
9 oreo cookies (separate 3 pieces of the cookies and remove the cream, 6 pieces in original form and retaining the cream)
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla essence

For decorations:
9 chocolate flavour mini oreo cookies (separate all of the cookies, 6 pieces retaining the cream and the balance remove the cream)
18 pieces of chocolate chips

1. Line cupcake cases with 1 (original form) + 1/2 (cream removed) Oreo cookies. Set aside.

2. Beat cream cheese and sugar until combined. Add the egg and vanilla essence and continue to beat until just combined. *Note: Do not over-whisk after beating in the egg. It will incorporate lots of air into the mixture causing the cake to crack easily during baking.

3. Scoop and distribute the mixture evenly into the 6 cases, decorate as shown in pictures above and bake in pre-heated oven at 150°C for 20 minutes. **Do not worry if the cheesecakes still crack during baking. Any cracks will fuse after cooling in room temperature and a chance that it will disappear completely after chilling. Even if it did not disappear completely, it wouldn't look obvious after chilling.

4. Leave baked cheesecake to cool at room temperature prior to refrigerating. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before consuming (best over-night).

Yields: 6 serving of muffin-sized cheesecakes

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Aug 2015 : Brown Sugar and Molasses) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Jess from Bakericious.


  1. 好可爱的bear bear 蛋糕, 看着它都不舍得吃了!

  2. 非常回味的一道 cheese cake。

  3. so cute, I always wanna bake but didnt make it!
