Saturday 30 May 2015

椰汁芋头西米露 Taro and Sago Dessert in Coconut Milk

现在较新型购物商场里的育婴室设备都会比较好比较齐全,有些甚至设有爸爸们专用的育婴室,不过最近我却发现因这些育婴室设备太好太齐全而频频让一些人士滥用。一些育婴室设有女士厕所,是给带着小孩的母亲们专用的,结果却变成给在那里上班的售货员“专用”。育婴室里都会设有冷热饮水机,我试过在帮小宝贝换尿片时看到一位身穿购物商场制服的妙龄女士进来,原以为她须要挤母乳,结果却看到她把水瓶拿了出来往饮水机那里装水,晕! 今天看到的另一件事更加离谱,一位女士拿着名牌手袋,手里拿着会计专业课程的书,结果特地从外面进去育婴室里的哺乳专用室洗手,而且洗完手后还不会顺手把灯关掉,到最后还是我去帮她关。门上面已近贴着告示说明是给带着婴孩的母亲专用的,可是这女士却连这样简单的英文也“看不懂”!真的很不明白现在的人,个个都衣着光鲜,可是行为却很可耻很不文明!!不吐不快,发了牢骚,现在心里舒服多了,不好意思耽搁的大家的时间,接下来看回今天的主题 - 甜品。




西米 100克
水 1500毫升
椰浆 200毫升

芋头 400克(去皮,切块)
水 800毫升
糖 1/2杯,或更多

1. 将1500毫升的水放入锅内煮滚,加入西米以中火煮10分钟,偶尔搅拌一下以防止西米沾锅。10分钟后熄火,加盖让西米静置10分钟。以流动的水冲洗煮好的西米,然后沥干放入一个碗里备用。

2. 芋头糖水:

3. 上桌:

份量:4 - 6人份

Taro and Sago Dessert in Coconut Milk

100 g sago
1500 ml water
200 ml coconut milk

Taro sweet soup:
400 g taro, skin and cubed
800 ml water
1/2 cup sugar, or more to taste

1. To prepare sago:
Bring 1500ml water to boil, add sago and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent them from sticking to the pot. After 10 minutes remove from heat, cover the pot with lid. Let it stand for 10 minutes. Rinse the cooked sago with running water. Drain and transfer the sago to a bowl, set aside until ready to use.

2. To prepare taro sweet soup:
Steam the taro for about 40 minutes or until soften. Bring 800ml water to boil. Add sugar and stir until fully dissolved. Add half of the steamed taro to the sweet soup, blend the taro using hand held blender until smooth. Add the remaining steamed taro and coconut milk, cook over medium low heat until it comes to boil, then turn off the heat.

3. To serve:
Ladle the taro sweet soup into a bowl, add 2-3 tbsp of sago, mix well and enjoy! Serve warm or chilled.

Serving: 4 - 6

I'm submitting this post to the Best Recipes for Everyone May 2015 Event (Theme: My Favourite Desserts) organized by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-hosted by Aunty Young


  1. 谢谢你在这个甜品月为我们带来许多特别的甜品,让大家都受惠了!

  2. 谢谢你在这个甜品月为我们带来许多特别的甜品,让大家都受惠了!
