Thursday 26 February 2015

CNY Dishes #4 - 年年有余合家欢 | 鲍鱼香菇伴时蔬 Braised Abalone and Mushrooms





香菇 8朵(浸泡至软,去蒂,然后挤出多余的水份)
干贝 8个(用清水冲洗)
小白菜 8棵(川烫至熟)
罐头鲍鱼 1罐
蒜头 4瓣(剥去外衣)
姜 2片
蚝油 1汤匙
清水或浸泡香菇的水 400毫升

蚝油 1/2汤匙
鲍鱼汁 1汤匙
绍兴酒 1汤匙
冰糖 1/2汤匙
酱油 1/2汤匙
老抽 1/8茶匙
水 250毫升
粟粉 1汤匙

1. 将罐头鲍鱼的标签去掉,不要打开罐头,将罐头直接放入一锅热水里煮3小时。煮好后将罐头从锅里取出,放置一旁让其完全冷却。把罐头打开,取出鲍鱼,罐头里的酱汁可以保留用来煮其他菜肴。

2. 以中火烧热一个锅子,加入1汤匙的油烧热,加入蒜头及姜片爆香。加入香菇,拌炒大约1分钟。接着加入干贝,1汤匙的蚝油及清水或浸泡香菇的水,煮至滚,然后转至中小火,焖煮30分钟。

3. 把酱汁的材料放入一个锅里,煮至滚,然后转至中小火,加入鲍鱼煮1分钟即可熄火。

4. 将焖香菇,干贝及小白菜排入盘,接着把鲍鱼排在中间,然后把酱汁淋上,乘热享用。

Braised Abalone and Mushrooms

8 dried Chinese mushrooms, soaked until soften, remove the stems and squeeze out the excess water
8 dried scallops, rinsed
8 heads bok choy, blanched
1 can abalone
4 cloves garlic, peeled
2 slices ginger
1 tbsp oyster sauce
400 ml water or reserved water from soaking mushroom

1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp abalone sauce
1 tbsp Shao Xing wine
1/2 tbsp rock sugar
1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
1/8 tsp dark soy sauce
250 ml water
1 tbsp cornstarch


1. Remove the label of canned abalone, cook the whole can of abalone unopened in a pot of hot water for 3 hours.  Remove the can from hot water and set aside to let it cool completely. Open the can and drain, you can retain the liquid for other dishes if you wish.

2. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a saucepan over medium heat, add garlic and ginger. Saute till fragant. Add mushroom and stir fry for 1 minute. Add dried scallop, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 400 ml water or reserved water from soaking mushroom. Bring to a boil, then turn to medium low heat and braise for 30 minutes.

3. Heat the sauce ingredients in a pan. Bring to a boil then reduce to medium low heat, add abalones and simmer for 1 minute, then turn off the heat.

4. Arrange braised mushrooms, scallops and blanched bok choy on the serving plate, then place the abalones in the center. Pour the sauce over and serve immediately.

This post is linked to My Treasured Recipes#5 - Chinese New Year Goodies (Jan/Feb 2015) Hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders & Co-Hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery.

And also linked to Cook and Celebrate: CNY 2015 organised by Yen from Eat your heart out, Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.


  1. Hi Violet,

    I like the glossy finish of your abalone dish! It is very professional cooked!


  2. Hi, why the abalone in can needs to boiled for 3 hours? I thought the canned food is always already cooked and tender already?
