Thursday 29 January 2015

Mee Suah #1 - 麻油腰花面线 Mee Suah With Pork Kidney




猪腰 1个
寿桃牌面线 2束
小白菜 1棵
姜 10片(切丝)
枸杞 1汤匙(用水浸泡一下,沥干)
热水 1 1/2杯
植物油 1汤匙

酱油 2汤匙
糯米酒 2汤匙
黑麻油 3汤匙

1. 把猪腰对半切开,然后切除白色筋膜,洗净后把猪腰放入清水里浸泡2-3小时,间中必须换水数次,放入冰箱冷藏直到要煮时才取出。

2. 煮滚一锅水,加入数滴油和一小撮盐,放入小白菜烫熟,捞起沥干。接着将面线放入锅里煮至自己喜欢的软度,然后捞起,将面线和小白菜放入碗里。

3. 把猪腰表面切花刀,然后切成厚片状,放入一个碗里,加入热水浸泡,让猪腰慢慢熟成,要用前将浸泡的水倒掉。

4. 以中火烧热平底锅,加入植物油,放入姜丝煎至香脆及呈褐色。调至大火,把调味料和猪腰放入,快速拌炒,然后加入1 1/2杯的热水,煮至汤滚起后加入枸杞即可熄火。把汤淋在面线上,淋上数滴黑麻油即可乘热食用。


Mee Suah With Pork Kidney 

1 pork kidney
2 small bunches Sau Tao Brand Amoy Flour Vermicelli / Mee Suah
1 head Bok Choy
10 slices ginger, julienned
1 tbsp Wolfberries, soaked in water till soften, then drained
1 1/2 cup hot water
1 tbsp vegetable oil

2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp glutinous rice wine
3 tbsp black sesame oil

1. Halve the kidney and remove the veins. then wash until clean. Soak the pork kidney in clean water for 2-3 hours and change the water regularly. Keep in the refrigerator until ready to use.

2. Bring a small pot of water to boil, add few drops of oil and a pinch of salt, blanch the Bok Choy, drain and set aside. Using the same pot of water, blanch the Mee Suah till soften to your liking, then drain. Transfer the Mee Suah and Bok Choy to a serving bowl.

3. Score the kidney on the skin side in criss cross pattern, then cut into thick slices. Place the pork kidney in a bowl, pour some hot water over the pork kidney and let them sit in the hot water until ready to use. Discard the soaking liquid before use.

4. Heat a pan over medium heat. Add vegetable oil and ginger, fry until crisp and brown. Turn to high heat, add seasoning and pork kidney, quickly stir fry. Add 1 1/2 cups hot water, then bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and add wolfberries. Pour the soup over the mee suah. Drizzle with a few drops of dark sesame oil. Serve immediately.

Servings: 1

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (Jan 2015 Event: Noodles and Pasta) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Anne of My Bare Cupboard.

1 comment:

  1. Violet , I hate cleaning innards as well but I love chicken liver as it's less messy and easier to clean :D I think you baby will grow up to appreciate good food ;)

    Thank you so much for your awesome contributions to this month's LTU , I really appreciate it !
