Friday 19 December 2014

木糠布甸蛋糕 Macanese Sawdust Pudding Cake | Serradura



(食谱参考Nasi Lemak LoverLeisure-Cat做少许更改)

消化饼 120克
动物性鲜奶油 400毫升
炼奶 100克
云尼拉香草 1条(用利刀切开,刮出籽)
可可粉 1茶匙

1. 将6寸脱底圆模里铺上烘焙纸,备用。把消化饼放入食物处理器,搅拌至幼细。

2. 把鲜奶油倒入一个碗里,然后把碗放在另一个装满冰块和水的大碗上,打发至湿性发泡。加入香草和炼奶,继续打至硬性发泡。

3. 将打发的鲜奶油装入挤花袋里。在模型里铺一层饼碎,然后挤上一层鲜奶油,一直重复,直到铺满模型为止,最上一层会是鲜奶油层。将剩下的饼碎与可可粉混合,撒在鲜奶油层上即可。

4. 把蛋糕放入冰箱里冷冻两小时,然后取出脱模,放在盘中,切片即可享用。

Macanese Sawdust Pudding Cake | Serradura
(Recipe adapted from Nasi Lemak Lover and 和Leisure-Cat, with some adjustments)

120g digestive biscuits
400ml dairy whipping cream
100g condensed milk
1 Vanilla bean, seeds scraped out with a sharp knife
1 tsp cocoa powder

1. Line the 6" cake pan(with removable base) with baking paper. Put the digestive biscuits in a food processor and blend into fine crumbs.

2. Whip the whipping cream to soft peaks over a larger bowl filled with ice cubes and water. Add vanilla bean and condensed milk. Continue whipping until stiff peaks.

3. Transfer the cream into a piping bag. Place a layer of biscuit into the cake pan and pipe a layer of cream on top. Repeat until the cake pan is filled, the top layer will be the cream layer. Mix the remaining crumbs with cocoa powder, and sprinkle on the cream layer.

4. Chill in the freezer for two hours. Remove from freezer, unmold from cake pan and transfer to a serving plate. Slice and enjoy!

I am submitting this to the "Cook & Celebrate: Christmas 2014" event hosted by Baby Sumo of Eat your heart out, Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Diana of The Domestic Goddess Wannabe.

This post ia also linked to My Treasured Recipes #4 - Ho! Ho! Ho! It's Christmas time organised by Miss B from Everybody Eats Well in Flanders and Charmaine from MiMi Bakery House.


  1. Hi Violet,

    Besides being a great gal, you have cooking and baking very well and that's why you have received a nice present from your hubby :D

    Hope that you have a nice holiday (with this beautiful cake) :D


  2. Yesterday I should have made this cake for christmas, looks so easy to make and yet delicious nevertheless. Happy belated wedding anniversary to you and merry christmas.

  3. This is so beautiful!! And your hb is so sweet! :)
