Friday 25 April 2014

韩式拌饭 | 비빔밥 Korean Mixed Rice with Meat and Assorted Vegetables | Bibimbap

常看韩剧的朋友们一定对韩式拌饭一点也不陌生吧,今天我要上的料理是韩式拌饭。韩式拌饭(비빔밥 Bibimbap)是韩国著名的菜肴之一,材料有米饭、炒过并加上调味料的蔬菜、牛肉、鸡蛋和苦椒醬,可以热食或冷食,食用時把材料拌勻即可。拌饭所用的蔬菜包括切丝的黃瓜、美洲南瓜、胡萝卜、萝卜、冬菇、海苔、桔梗、蕨、菠菜和豆芽菜。肉类可以用鸡肉或海鲜替代,此外,亦有供素食者享用的拌飯。最著名的拌饭之一是石头拌饭(돌솥 비빔밥 dolsot bibimbap),是锅饭的一种,以热石碗盛载材料,碗内塗上麻油,靠近碗面的米饭会变成色泽金黄,口感香脆。(资料来源维基百科







韩式拌饭 | 비빔밥

(食谱参考MyKorean Kitchen,做少许更改)

猪绞肉 150克
酱油 1 1/ 2汤匙
麻油 1 1/ 2汤匙
糖 1 1/2茶匙
蒜末 1/2茶匙

韩式凉拌菠菜 200克
干香菇 25克(浸泡至软)
萝卜 100克
盐 1茶匙(用于在烹煮香菇和萝卜,每样以 1/2茶匙来调味)
煮熟白米饭 3至4人份
鸡蛋 3至4粒
植物油 适量(用来烹煮肉类,香菇,萝卜和鸡蛋)
韩式海苔 适量(切丝)

韩式辣椒酱 2汤匙(苦椒醬
麻油 1汤匙
糖 1汤匙
清水 1汤匙
烤香芝麻 1汤匙
醋 1茶匙
蒜末 1茶匙

1. 准备和烹煮配料:
- 肉类:将猪肉及调味料混合均匀(当你在处理其他配料时,可将猪肉腌制大约三十分钟让猪肉更入味)。在锅里加入少许植物油,以中高或大火将猪肉炒至熟透,约三至五分钟。
- 菠菜:做法请看这里
- 香菇: 将浸泡好的香菇捞起,沥干水份,挤出多余的水份,然后切成薄片。在锅里加入一些植物油,放入香菇和半茶匙的盐,以以中高或大火将香菇炒至熟透。
- 萝卜:洗净,去皮,然后切成丝。在锅里加入一些植物油,放入萝卜丝和半茶匙的盐,以以中高或大火将香菇炒至熟透。
- 煎鸡蛋,可依个人喜好,煎太阳蛋或全熟蛋。
- 将调味酱的材料放入一个小碗里,然后混合均匀。

2. 把白饭盛入碗里,加入猪肉,蔬菜配料,海苔丝,煎蛋和调味酱。

3. 将碗里的饭,调味酱和其他配料混合均匀即可享用!

Korean Mixed Rice with Meat and Assorted Vegetables | Bibimbap

(Recipe adapted from MyKorean Kitchen, with some minor changes)
Serves: 3~4

Meat and meat sauce
150g minced pork
1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 1/2 tbsp sesame oil
1 1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp minced garlic

Vegetables and other:
200g mildly seasoned spinach
25g dried shiitake mushroom (soaked until plump)
100g carrots (1 small)
1 tsp ground salt (1/2 tsp each will be used when cooking shiitake mushroom and carrots)
3 to 4 serving portions of steamed rice
3 or 4 eggs (depending on the serving portion)
Some vegetable oil to cook the meat, mushroom, carrots and eggs
Korean seasoned seaweed, shredded/long thin cut

Bibimbap sauce – The below sauce might be only enough for 3 servings if you like eating it spicy.
2 Tbsp gochujang
1 Tbsp sesame oil
1 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp water
1 Tbsp roasted sesame seeds
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp minced garlic

1. Prepare and cook ingredients as below.
- For meat, mix the minced pork with the meat sauce listed above. (You can leave the marinated meat for about 30 mins while you are working on other ingredients to enhance the flavour.) Add some vegetable oil into a wok and cook the meat on medium high to high heat. It takes about 3 to 5 mins to thoroughly cook it.
- Spinach per linked recipe.
- Squeeze the soaked shiitake mushrooms to remove excess water and thinly slice them. Add some vegetable oil and ½ tsp of ground salt in a wok and cook the mushrooms on medium high to high heat until they are all cooked. 
- Wash, peel and julienne the carrots. Add some vegetable oil and ½ tsp of ground salt in a wok and cook the carrots on medium high to high heat for 2 to 3 mins.
- Make fried eggs. (While sunny side up is common, you can make them per your preference.)
- Mix the Bibimbap sauce ingredients in a bowl.
2. Put the rice into a bowl and add the meat, assorted vegetables, seasoned seaweed, egg and the Bibimbap sauce on top of the rice. Serve it.
3. Mix the ingredients well in the bowl and enjoy!

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest: Korea, hosted by Sharon of Feats of Feasts.


  1. 这个是我个人很爱的,去吃韩国餐会点的。。。谢谢分享!!这个周末来不及做,就安排在下周!!

    1. 我下星期也想再做,方便又好吃!

    2. 我实在忍不住了。。。我主要食材记下,明早就去菜市场!!哈哈。。。是不是很贪吃neh!!

    3. 不会啦,上次试了那个凉拌菠菜后我每星期都会买,要吃的时候就可以煮。

  2. 您好,您好会煮。请问bibimbap 的sauce可以用泡菜汤的sauce 吗?因为我买了泡菜汤的sauce了。不想浪费。
